Okay, it's pretty clear by now that this Rosario Dawson woman is the runaway winner in the "Who Will Play 'Vixen' in 'Vibe! The Movie, Meng'?" poll.
As far as I remember the Detroit League, that just leaves one part to cast. One costume to fill.
Who can possibly portray ...
What's Patrick Duffy doing these days?
But .. but Gina Torres has three votes...
Oh. I see. You're going by the poll numbers. The poll that systematically disenfranchised us Gina T. voters, forcing us to nominate her as write-in candidate. I feel like heading to Tallahassee and starting to count me up some chads.
I'm kidding of course.
Like I'd ever head to Tallahassee.
I accept the judgment of the teeming masses. Um. The teeming ten.
Re: Arthur. I don't know. Casper Van Dim certainly has the bod, and the jawline, and the hair, but not anywhere near the gravitas. He's got anti-gravitas, that guy.
I picture an actor known for his um, independent, arthouse work. His name's Caesar.
I picture him two, three times a day, actually, but that's neither here nor there....
That guy who was the blond elf in Lord of the Rings, a solider in Blackhawk Down and the main good guy in Pirates of the Cariabean (sp?). The one who is popular with all the girls (and maybe the boys too) who name escapes me at the moment.
Also either Mel Gibson or Russel Crow could pull off the role.
As all viewers of Entourage know, Aquaman must be played by Adrian Grenier!
Aaron Eckhart is a very good nomination! I don't think the rest meet the, um, physical requirement.
Oh, and, Tom? If Talvin Demachio doesn't get to be in the film then neither does Caesar...
I was gonna go with Patrick Duffy, but I've already been beaten to the gag.
Other than established actors, one thought might be to check out free-divers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-diving and see if any of them have any acting talent... Being able to stay down for extended periods might come in handy in this role.
And taking that into consideration, maybe some ought to check into male porn stars....
Aaron "The Cleft" Eckhart would be a good choice. I think you need to go a little more deviant and inspired, though. David Bowie!
(No officer, I was just holding it for a friend! It's not mine! I don't even smoke....)
Orlando Bloom!
You'd better cast Dale Gunn! Has he popped up in the DCU since Conway's JLA?
Zatanna and the Elongated Man (and Sue!) were members of JL Detroit. Late in the run, Batman ditched the Outsiders for the JLA (he realized Vibe was just way cooler than Geo-Force). So you may or may not want to bring the Big Bats in (I think Aquaman might have left before Bats rejoined though).
Zatanna and Vixen competing for Dale Gunn must be one of the sub-plots in your script.
Yes, I own just about the entire run, and I'm not afraid to pull them out...
Have we cast Zatanna, Elongated Man, and Sue Dibny yet? I would vote for Pauly Perrette, Jim Carrey, and Natalie Portman respectively.
Do a IMDB search for Jason Lewis of "Sex and The City."
I think you may find a winner.
Based on the first issue of JUSTICE, I would peg the dream casting as Steve McQueen, but since we can't go there, how about Neal McDonough?
Whoa! I think Devon's right, folks!
Man, I didn't want to like Jason Lewis, since he's only 34, and I always pictured Arthur closer to (ahem) my age, but when I saw those pics: close the voting.
Tom Arnold!
Definitely Jason Lewis! He's hot and beefy and kingly! And he does a great sex scene (check out that first date scene from Sex in the City. My favorite, uh, part was when he stacked the hotel furniture on the bed. And that Calvin Klein ad he was in...whoa. I think his sceptre is definitely kingly.
Okay, unless I hear a strong competitor nominated SOON, I'll declare Jason Lewis the "winner"...
Kurt Russell, maybe?
I'd suggest Patrick Swayze, but I think he's had some bad plastic surgery and his face looks like a middle-aged Hollywood wife's.
I've always thought Brad Pitt would make a good Aquaman.
You are not going to beat this Jason Lewis fella. I mean, Good Lord.
Move along, people. Nothing more to see here.
I've always thought Brad Pitt would make a good Aquaman.
He may look the part, but I would prefer an actor.
I am not sure that this link will post but I have had it in my favorites forever. He pulls off the long-hair Arthur look, too...
paging Paging Laura :)
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