On the surface, this is a perfectly ordinary Pep Comics cover. The symbolic yellow skies. The 3D effect of The Shield jumping outward toward the reader while pummeling a host of Japanazis. The Damsel in Distress. The Hangman leaping in un-helpfully in the wee background. Dusty practicing his pull-ups for the President's Physical Fitness test at school.
But this cover is a masterpiece of deceit that has turned my computer into a house of lies. Why? Because...
The contents of this comics are:
The Shield molests an innocent Martian tourist (as seen earlier on this blog).
A two-page Shield prose story (to keep mailing costs down)
Captain Commando and the Boy Commandos doing a conga line to defeat Nazis. Don't ask.

Whoa. Because that's not gay at all.
A story about some seriously hot hillbilly named "Catfish Joe".

Whoa. Because that's not gay at all.
This guy:

Translation: "B5! Over here! BINGO!!!"
The story of Androcles and the Lion as reenacted by one of comics' greatest thespians, Li'l Chief Bugaboo:

Whoa. Because... well, you know.
The Hangman getting hit by a car. God, I love that every time I look at it.
Bentley of Scotland Yard discovers a mummy that vomits chocolate pudding.

Um.... What else would be wrapped up in mummy bandages...?
BUT... no Japanazis. No Red Cross nurse. No Dusty doing pull-ups.
Should I demand my money back...?!
P.S. Oh... and there's ...