Not to be mean or anything, but....
is there a reason DC hasn't sued the pants off "Uncle Charlie and Rachel Sanchez" of Upward Bound Ministries for this album cover?
I know I would. I'd even put the singing kids in Juvie No, Susie Singalong, you can't have a bible -- it's large enough to use as a weapon. Here's a copy of Action Comics instead. Without the staples.
Isn't there anyone at DC Legal who lurks on this blog? I suppose if there were, I myself would have been sued by now for calling it the Absorbascon!
It doesn't say much for the viability of modern Christianity when it chooses to co-opt Superman's mythology. Doesn't it have its own heroes or did DC acquire those characters, too?
To me, this saddest part is it seems that no matter where you are on the Love-Hate scale with either Superman or Christianity, this would STILL seem very very wrong.
If they ordered a recall of Sufjan Stevens' Come On Feel The Illinoise, then there's no frigg'n reason why they shouldn't. That's some copywritten shizzle right there, old son.
Then again, they could probably tell me not to stop putting scans of Metamorpho up on my blog, and the last time I talked about Jesus, he was fighting Vampires in Ottowa.
Well, technically DC did get the Spectre from the book of Exodus.
Just sayin'
DC has very powerful lawyers. If you look really close in NYC, all the traffic signs that say "Turn On Green Arrow" have a little ® next to the last two words...
I don't know, they apparently haven't sued the guy who runs "SuperDad's" strip-joint near Carbondale PA...
"Turn On Green Arrow?" Who do I look like, Vibe?
I see that they have linked to this at Kal-El.org. Perhaps that will get the attention of the Superlawyers at DC.
"What would Superman do?"
Use his subpoenavision, I'll wager.
>Doesn't it have its own heroes or did DC acquire those characters, too?
DC doesn't own the copyright on God and Jesus, Erik Larsen does.
DC would never sue a church group.
It's bad PR.
This nonsense here is just dancing around the issue that DC's legal and PR department are at odds.
"This nonsense here"
Chris, are you intentionally insulting, or is it something you can't help?
In either case, it's not really welcome here. As hard as it may be for you to believe at your age, you aren't the only intelligent person on the planet.
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