Remember voting a while ago on the next Heroclix that I should have custom-made?
Here are some of what you voted for!

Don't remember him? Aw, sure ya do!
Argus is one of the two or three acceptable leftovers from the Bloodlines crossover. Argus sits on an experienced Azrael dial; I mean, it's not like I'd ever use Azrael! Argus lives in Keystone and will augment my Flash teams (which have very little variety in their abilities!)

Cal Durham is the former Black Manta sidekick who went legit and was part of the extended Aquateam; nowadays, he's the mayor of Sub Diego. Naturally, Cal will help provide more options for my underwater games.

A Classic foe of the Golden Age Green Lantern and, of course, the star of the Greatest Story Ever Told. Sure, he may seem a little goofy, but none who used to fight Alan Scott to a standstill is a lightweight. So, he sits on a Veteran Taskmaster's dial, making him a nasty piece of work and one that could, with a bit a luck, actually take a chunk out of the original GL.

Really; what can be said about the Rainbow Raider that hasn't been said already? Besides, the Flash Rogues need some more muscle and he's actually pretty powerful.
Did I have him made because I love Rainbow Raider? No. He sits on a Halo dial. I had him made just because I hate Halo that much.
That raider is really funky!
(That said, death to Halo.)
"A Classic foe of the Golden Age Green Lantern and, of course, the star of the Greatest Story Ever Told."
. . I have a feeling I know this, but it's just not coming - what story?
The Superhero vs. Supervillain baseball game in the Strange Sports Super-Spectacular.
Now you need a Golden Age Huntress clix to go along with the Sportsmaster.
That Rainbow Raider looks awesome. They need more Heroclix committing acts of larceny. I realize Alan GL is one of the greats, but a guy with a baseball bat was in the upper echelon of his rogues gallery. And that's sad.
Jon - You're totally thinking about it wrong. A GUY WITH A BASEBALL BAT is in the upper echelons of GREEN FREAKING LANTERN'S rogues gallery. And that's double scary awesome.
Sportsmaster had more than just baseball bats. I've seen him use exploding shuttlecocks, and there's nothing scarier than that. I personally think he's an amazingly goofy idea that works very well. He's basically really good at sports and decided he could make a criminal career of it.
Rainbow Raider looks awesome, by the way, and Halo's dial is a perfect fit. A lot of powers and potential to do damage.
Aw, what's the matter? Azrael gonna cry?
Okay, enough picking on metahumans that can't defend themselves.
These all look freaking amazing. I especially like the Sportsmaster. And knowing that he's on a Veteran Taskmaster dial makes him him seem terrifying instead of, you know, a guy way into sports.
How do you pick what dial on which to put your custom clix? I wish you'd do a post on that; it's the only thing that kept me from getting one myself not too long ago.
Maybe I am seeing it wrong. Exploding 'cocks aside, a man would have to be badass to walk up with a wooden bat to a guy throwing fire from his hand, without knowing about the weakness.
"a man would have to be badass "
Yup. That's the point.
"How do you pick what dial on which to put your custom clix? I wish you'd do a post on that; it's the only thing that kept me from getting one myself not too long ago."
I'd be happy to, but maybe we shouldn't bore the civilians with it, Derek. Email me in private at
Details on the Greatest Story Ever Told can be read here, if I may be so bold as to hype H's work.
You think I can't defend myself? I'm still the guy who beat up Bane! I think I could take *you* out, Derek.
I just don't feel like it...
Ah yes. I remember that game fondly. My greatest regret was that I didn't have the chance to "accidentally" bean Hal Jordan in the head with a yellow baseball.
Thanks for the kind words on the Clix, guys! I consider Rainbow Raider to be my masterpiece. For those who care, that's Picasso's "Girl in Chair" that he's stealing.
Cal Durham is the mayor of Sub Diego? Interesting...
That Sportsmaster is great! You should do a variant of him as the psuedo-Sportsmaster from the Justice Guild episode of "Justice League."
You know, I may be wrong, but I think the Sportsmaster was just about the first "theme villain". Other villains before him had their affectations--the Penguin and his umbrellas, for example--but I think Crusher Crock was the first costumed villain to base his entire identity around his schtick, paving the way for such future felons as Chronos, the Mirror Master, the Mad Hatter, etc.
"I'm still the guy who beat up Bane!"
Pfft. Bane's a pushover.
Everyone knows it was really Wonder Woman that broke Batman's back. They framed Bane just like how they tried to cover up the Max Lord thing.
Now if you can take on Wonder Woman without sustaining any life-threatening injuries, then you'll have my respect.
Stop picking on Raider!
...I would love to own that Clix. Too awesome.
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