So overwhelming is the combination of Starman's raw power of personality and Olympic-level erudition that through the sheer force of his presence he compels his nattily dressed quarry to complete the friggin' haiku for him.
How far do you think
you're going to get? Steel door
crumbling like that! Help!
I tell you, words are not adequate to express my admiration for Starman. Perhaps you can help!
Can you compose a haiku to analyze this situation or praise the glory of Starman?
Purple hat and pants
That Starman goes crazy for
A sharp-dressed villain
Pugnacious tough guy
Runs like a little girl from
Starman's crimson tights
Purple pants, red tie
And steel door will protect me.
Oh no, its Starman!
Starman's golden rod
will punish evildoers.
Watch your behind, sir!
Dapper villain runs;
Steel door crumbling power
Too much for evil!
The steel door crumbled,
He's right behind me, and I
Think I crapped my pants.
Scip: You've got to blow up these Haiku Scans, color correct them ala Lichenstein, frame, and sell them! I would totally buy one or all of them. They are awesomeness itself.
Cosmic rays inspire
Although a mere hood, I join
Starpower Haiku tag
What would the copyright issues with Anonymous' suggestion be? People might actually go for those prints!
Purple fedora!
Upstage me at the masque-
-rade ball, hmm? Eat rod!
I'm pretty sure that would be enormously illegal.
I'll check with Devon, who knows such things.
Curse You Starman! You
ruined my acceptance speech for
Best Dressed Underling!
The legality may be a bit muddy, but hey, Lichenstein did it. So did Warhol, and with more than comic books.
It probably goes under 'homage' banner, depending on how much you change the image.
Did you crop 'down' out of the panel?
Of course, it's still a haiku if you take 'down' out and add the 'help!' back.
My mistake, Methane!
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