He was a hero in the Golden Age. In the Silver Age. In the Modern Age. And in this panel you get a glimpse of what kind of hero he is.
Just brought back to human form after saving the earth from cracking into pieces at the cost of the cohesion of his silicon form, naked, dazed, confused, and about to fall unconscious into the arms of a comrade, Sand still remains focused on his mission, his team ...
and his Heroic Haiku.
"Eclipso. Mordu.
Have to save the Earth. Have to
find the J S A."
Gods, that's inspiring! Most of us would have just spit out "Grk! Ack! What th-- Oohhh!" before falling over face down in the rubble. You can tell this guy knew the Golden Age Starman! And his boss, the original Sandman, used to compose little poems all the time, designed to upset evildoers. Clearly, Sandy was a good pupil and remains a true hero.
What haiku can YOU compose in honor of the poetic heroism of Sand on this occasion?
No time to get dressed!
Off to fight evil with flag
Strategically placed!
Sandy awakens
naked as his day of birth
Power Girl is watching
Just a point of order here. Sand aka Sandy aka that naked guy never appeared in the Silver Age. His first modern appearance was JLofA #113, 1974; Bronze by any metallurgy you use.
Crisis is coming
The Golden Boy fights on though
He could be retconed
Bad guys are coming!
Only one way to stop them:
Naked Bullfighting!
Kids, if you must drink
Don't drink and drive while naked
Bring a beach towel
Just two martinis
Sandy removes his costume
And begins to rap
And in showbiz news:
Sanderson Hawkins will be
Played by Ben Affleck
Stepped on rusty nail
"Saving Earth" now takes back seat
To "tetanus shot"
You guys are KILLING me!
Excuse me, Courtney?
Want to see my Cosmic Rod?
Quit screaming you brat!
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