The new set has lots of Marvel's "outer space" characters. I wasn't too sure what to make of some of the characters, like Overripe Bananawoman, Short-Bus Lad, Kellogs Raisin Anne, Captain Colorwheel, Robin the Ironclad Wonder, Aqua-drag, or the Custard Convertible. But the new "space map", with its special rules designed to mimic 3D zero G enviroments, was a definite winner.
But Wizkids doesn't issue enough object tokens to go with each new map. I mean, really, how many gumball machine and hotdog carts can there be floating around in space? So I thought I would help out all you Heroclix players with some new object tokens to use on the space map.
Note that they aren't "heavy" or "light"; zero gravity, you know. So their effect is determined by what you roll when you hit someone with them. If your attack exceeds your opponent's defense by 0,1, or 2, it's a "light" object; more than 2, and it's a "heavy" object.
Dead Rannies; space is full of 'em....

My God, Jubilee does look like Aqualad in drag!! Oh, my mind!!
Zero-G still means objects have mass. Maybe objects thrown by people without superstrength are considered light and those thrown by people with it are considered heavy?
It never occured to me before that, when they changed Jubilee's color scheme so that she was no longer dressed like Robin, that they'd made her Aqualad in a yellow coat instead. I can't believe I missed that!
She looks like "Aquaflasher".
Excellent concept. Adding it to may house/league rules!
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