After all, could anyone but a hero speak in such casual heroic haiku at such a critical moment, guiding a fellow hero on the proper path?

he can't suffer anymore.
Is that what you want?
Nice one, Ollie!
What is YOUR haiku celebrating Ollie Queen new heroic evolution?
conner hawke, cissie
king. Ollie Queen's a one man
bastard factory
I see, Steven, that you are not yet fully convinced.
In my practiced hands
Anything long and narrow
Can be a weapon
His arrows be darned!
Queen's greatest trick was getting
Dinah to say "Yes!"
It doesn't matter
What anyone says. It's still
All about the beard.
This day I thought I'd
never see; Ollie praised on
the Absorbascon.
The fact remains that
Bow and arrow is still not
A super-power
The punching glove arrow,
Oh Why oh Why ever did I,
ever come up with that?
If I were Dinah
I'd stay with him too:
Ollie's a size 12 shoe!
Crap, one syllable too many.
"Ollie's shoe size 12!"
(verification code: gqivva. really.)
I'm just saying, if a man can put a glove on his arrow...
STDs don't prevent themselves...
Scip converted.
Today, the Absorbascon.
Tomorrow, the World!
It doesn't matter
What anyone says. It's still
All about the beard.
He told the Question:
The mask is just there to keep
The beard company.
A hero at last?
I say Green Arrow was a
hero all along.
O, sweet tight green pants!
Muscles flashing, bow springing.
Wrongdoers: tremble.
But if you kill him,
he can't suffer anymore.
Is that what you want?
That must have been Ollie's first step toward becoming a liberal. Typical tough guy's justification for opposing the death penalty.
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