Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Condor Violates Your Fourth Wall

Originally uploaded by Scipio1.

"Hi, kids! I'm Black Condor!

I'm here to plant my flag...

and you can help!"

C'mon, Doc Wertham; ONE ISSUE of Black Condor would have saved the taxpayers thousands on Senate hearings (to say nothing of Gaines's plane fare).

Oh, have I mentioned the real irony? Black Condor was a U.S. Senator.

Now THAT would get me watching CSPAN!

1 comment:

Scipio said...

Imagine! Gay dollars would simply POUR into DC's coffers.

Black Condor.
The Red Torpedo.
The saucy, high-flying "Spitfire".
Pouty-lipped Ned Brant.
Madame Fatal (nuff said!)
Molly the Model.
Orally-fixated Pen Miller.
Captain Triumph

No; REALLY. Restart Crack Comics as a parody title and you'd have a best-seller for a new audience.