Now that we've got that pesky Avengers set out of the way, we can all concentrate fully on Wizkids forthcoming "Justice League" expansion set for DC Heroclix!
Based on what I know, what follows are my guesses as to what will be in the set. Naturally, I'm sure I'll be spectacularly wrong (I mean, Bronze Tiger would simply never occur to me), but that doesn't stop me from having fun guessing.
- Bronze Tiger
- Robin (in his new costume)
- Connor Hawke (Green Arrow II)
- Aquafake, Bored of Atlantis
- Deadman
- Classic Flash (Barry Allen)
- Guy Gardner
- Batman ("Aparo" version)
- Zatanna (Headmistress of Hotath costume)
- Lobo
- Superman
- Tharok (for the Fatal Five)
- Captain Boomerang (for the Suicide Squad)
- Brainiac 5 (for the Legion)
- Dream Girl (for the Legion)
- Power Ring (for the Crime Syndicate)
- Batwoman (for the Batman Family)
- the Penguin (for the Batman Enemies)
- Brainiac, Silver Age (for the Superman Enemies)
- Black Manta (Injustice League)
- Crimson Fox
- Prof. Ivo
- Amazo
- T.O.Morro
- Tomorrow Woman
- Dr. Destiny
- Kanjar Ro
- Classic Aquaman
- Classic Green Arrow
- Classic Green Lantern Hal Jordan
- Jay Garrick
- Mento or Niles Caulder
- Captain Marvel Jr
- Black Condor
- Uncle Sam
- Vibe
- Gypsy
- Per Degaton
- Toyman
- Granny Goodness
- Classic Trickster
- Pied Piper
- Star Sapphire
- Dr. Polaris
- Dr. Light 2
- Lightray
- Bloodwynd
- Firehawk
- Wonder Woman 1,000,000
- Golden Eagle
- Rag Doll
- Silver Banshee
- Batman & Robin
- Amazing Man
- Gang of thugs
- Nightwing
- Grace Choi
- Huntress
- ?????
- ???????!
Starro Controlled Green Arrow
Starro Controlled Green Lantern
Starro Controlled Aquaman
Confirmed Mail-away Figure: The Phantom Stranger (as previously discussed)
- Bronze Tiger
- Robin (in his new costume)
- Connor Hawke (Green Arrow II)
- Aquafake, Bored of Atlantis
- Deadman
- Classic Flash (Barry Allen)
- Guy Gardner
- Batman ("Aparo" version)
- Zatanna (Headmistress of Hotath costume)
- Lobo
- Superman
I've seen the Zatanna sculpt, by the way, and, unfortunately, its ass is not on fire. Which is a pity, because it would have been a good use of translucent plastic.
12. Tharok (for the Fatal Five)
13. Captain Boomerang (for the Suicide Squad)
14. Brainiac 5 (for the Legion)
15. Dream Girl (for the Legion)
16. Power Ring (for the Crime Syndicate)
12-16. These characters are near shoe-ins, because they fill in or complete existing theme teams. Tharok is the last of the Fatal Five, and with the new Legion starter out, is a lock. Classic Captain Boomerang is a little shakier, but he's the essential piece missing from the Suicide Squad and is needed for a Classic Central City Rogues team (which is important, since there's finally a Barry Allen Flash in this set).
The Legion will surely gets its usual two members per set. Dream Girl is a good bet because (1) she looks cool (2) she's a female figure (3) she'd bring Probability Control to Legion teams. Besidesm she pairs perfectly with Brainiac 5, who, like her, would be hard to hit (due to his force shield belt) and has 'distance powers' (e.g., Outwit and Perplex). A B5 figure came out in a previous set, but he's not quite up to snuff with the new Legionnaires. His Q rating is darned high; you can have a Legion without Quislet or Quantum Kid, but not without Brainiac 5; expect a remake. And, for those of you about to type
"But surely Starboy or the other Legionnaires from the Lightning Saga will be in the set instead!",
save it; the lead time on making Heroclix sets is too long to have yet been influenced by the Lightning Saga.
Power Ring, like Tharok, is the last member of his evil team (the Crime Syndicate) so he's a shoe-in, too.

17. Batwoman (for the Batman Family)
18. the Penguin (for the Batman Enemies)
19. Brainiac, Silver Age (for the Superman Enemies)
20. Black Manta (Injustice League)
17-20. These characters are additions to an existing Team Ability (most of the main Team Abilities get at least one new character per set, and with 60 characters now in each set rather than 48, it's more likely than ever to be a goal). The guesses here are a lot dicier than than 1-16.
Batwoman's got several things in her favorite: (1) Batman Team Ability, which is always popular. For pity's sake, they made Spoiler. (2) Wizkids always needs female figures to help balance the set. (3) She was riding quite high about the time this set would have been planned.
We might a more obscure Batvillian like Killer Moth or Firefly, but my money's still on the Penguin. The Penguin's been made before, but he was notoriously unusable even at the time he was released. Factors in his favor; very high Q rating; previous sculpt was wrong (white suit); previous dial was unusable; Wizkids new dial designers have a much better handle on how to represent characters like the Penguin; and the Penguin (who has actually fought the JLA and the SuperFriends) makes much more sense in a JLA set then Killer Moth or Firefly. [Yes, Dale; I know that Killer Moth appeared in JLA #35....]
Similar logic applies to Brainiac. The Superman Enemies always need help. Besides, we've had Brainiac13 and the Terminator-Brainiac foisted on us in two previous sets; we deserve the Silver Age Brainiac everyone will recognize.
Black Manta? Well, yes, there are other Aquafoes to make, but here the "Penguin Logic" applies again. All the factors in Penguin's favor (except sculpt; the original Manta sculpt is fine) augur well for Manta as well. Besides, he could add to the figure with the Injustice League ability (look for an alternate Team Ability for IL figures, too; it's current definition is so unwieldy I don't think I've ever seen it used in play).
21. Crimson Fox
22. Prof. Ivo
23. Amazo
24. T.O. Morrow
25. Tomorrow Woman
26. Dr. Destiny
27. Kanjar Ro
21- 27. Well, it is a JLA themed set, after all! Wizkids has said, "all eras and versions of the Justice League" will be represented and nothing says "JLE" like ze Crimson Fox. I'm anxious to see how perfume is represented on her dial.
Prof. Ivo might not be that big on offense, but, since he's an invulnerable mad scientist, he could be a really annoying support piece. Imagine him with Imperviousness and Outwit down the dial!
Wizkids would be fools to pass on the opportunity to remake Ivo's creation, Amazo, for the JLA set, now that they have "special powers" at their disposal. Count on him, with some crazy power for copying the powers of other figures within his sight and range.
The original T.O. Morrow figure is still a lot of bang for the buck, but a new version with Probability Control is in order. And while I personally think "Tomorrow Woman" is embarrassingly ludicrous, she was popular in the way that All Things Morrison seem to be. Besides, she would bring telekinesis and pulse wave to the JLA table.
Dr. Destiny looks cool and is a quintessential JLA villain. And wicked, if he's got some special version of Mind Control that lets him control powerful figures without taking damage. Likewise Kanjar Ro. Okay, fine, Kanjar Ro doesn't look cool. In fact, he looks like a chinless stoolie you'd slap around at bar on Rimbor. But give him a big Gamma Gong with triple incapacitate and he's a serious problem.

28. Classic Aquaman
29. Classic Green Arrow
30. Classic Green Lantern Hal Jordan
28 - 30. This is reverse logic. First, you've got to know that Wizkids is making Starro-ed controlled versions of four characters as giveaways at its "Win a Giant Starro clix" contests. Those are Silver Age versions of Aquaman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and the Flash, all with little Starro-fish on their faces. I've seen these, and they are darned pretty. By simply making versions without the Starro-fish on the faces, they get four other figures easily. We know that there will be a Silver Age Flash in the set already, so that makes it even more likely that we'll get Silver Age Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, too.

31. Jay Garrick
32. Mento
33. Captain Marvel Jr
34. Black Condor
35. Uncle Sam
31 - 35. This is more team filling. Jay Garrick was in the first set, but will get a remake for several reasons. (1) He still costs around $30 on Ebay, so a lot of people don't have him. (2) We need a version with the JSA Team Ability. (3) We need a version with some defensive powers.
The Doom Patrol needs a new member, probably Mento, because while he's less important than the Chief, he's easier to represent and is more visual. The Marvel Family is missing only Junior, and the groovy new Black Condor will add to the Freedom Fighters (plus, he's a babe). So would Uncle Sam, whom I think they may make as a giant figure, to take advantage of the new booster boxes that allow them to easily mix figures of different sizes.

36. Vibe36 & 37. Like it or not (okay ... not; no one likes it), the Justice League Detroit is one of the versions of the League. The JLD had three members unique to that version: Gypsy, Steel, and the irrepressible Vibe. Gypsy still has legs (though perhaps not shoes) having been seen repeatedly since the JLD days, even as an operative in Birds of Prey; besides, she's got the Distaff Factor in her favor. Steel? No, I think he'll wait until "Citizen Steel" makes his appearance; there's already a Heroclix figure named Steel, thank you very much. As for Vibe, well, I think we'll see him because he's more closely associated with JLD than any other character. Plus, with some Quake and some BREAKDANCING AGILITY (Deflection or Combat Reflexes), he'd be a nice dial to have on the team. Any team, really. Or, you could just put his sculpt on your nightstand and stare at it every night as you nod off to sleep.
37. Gypsy
38. Per Degaton
39. Toyman
40. Granny Goodness
41. Classic Trickster
42. Pied Piper
43. Star Sapphire
44. Dr. Polaris
38 - 44. I hate having to pit hero teams against one another just because there aren't enough decent villains! We need those guys. Per Degaton isn't a JLA villain per se, but he's a high profile JSA villain and that's close enough. Besides a dial full of Probability Control would make him a great background figure on any villain team.
Toyman is the missing member of the Legion of Doom. Nuff said.
The Fourth World is (apparently) a necessary evil, so it's time for ridiculous Granny Goodness (or one of the Female Furies such as Lashina). What on earth would be on her dial I cannot imagine, unless they give her a Special Power like BUTT-UGLINESS: Granny Goodness may use a power action to automatically incapacitate any opposing figure the first time she comes within its line of sight.
The Trickster and the Pied Piper are safe bets for Flash Rogues because neither has been made yet (and, no, the "Kid Trickster" doesn't count, particularly since a stiff wind will take him out of the game). The Trickster could be the first flying DC villain to start with Perplex on his dial, and that could be very helpful to the Rogues (who need all the help they can get). And a mind-controlling Pied Piper tp use against any speedster under 100 points (which includes all of the Flash Family) would be useful.
We've got hordes of Green Lanterns and no villains for them to fight; bring on Star Sapphire, in as skimpy and as internet-enraging a costume as possible. Likewise for Dr. Polaris (although, not even I want to see Dr. Polaris in a skimpy costume. Well, not as a Heroclix figure, anyway...).
45. Dr. Light 2
46. Lightray
47. Bloodwynd
48. Firehawk
49. Wonder Woman 1,000,000
50. Golden Eagle
45 - 50. More JLA theme. Dr. Light 2 is definitely in the aforementioned category of necessary evils and she represents the beloved JLI era. Lightray helps fill out the New Gods roster, and was (at some point I'm glad to have missed) a JLA member. Bloodwynd pretty much existed only as a JLA member. Plus he's one of their few mystics and even fewer black members. Besides... he looks fantastic. Who cares what his dial says?
Firehawk? Why, yes, she was in the JLA; the one formed during 52! Besides, she's one of the few even remotely recognizable members of the Firestorm cast and has the Distaff Factor. We know there's going to be a member of the DC 1,000,000 version of the League (whatever it was called... Justice Legion A?). Wonder Woman One Million is the best candidate, other than Starman, from that group. But I'll think she'll get it because she easily dialable, looks cools, bolsters the Wonder Woman box of Heroclix, and has the Distaff Factor.
Golden Eagle was too a member of JLA (okay... mostly honorary). Besides, the Hawkman Family could use someone other than the Man and the Girl. And he plays nicely into the following Teen Titans set. Alright, fine! I just like Golden Eagle.
51. Rag Doll
52. Silver Banshee
53. Batman & Robin
54. Amazing Man
55. Gang of thugs
56. Nightwing
57. Grace Choi
58. Huntress
51 - 58. There's a lot going on here in this little grab-bag. Rag Doll works as a JSA villain, an Injustice League piece, and continues the expansion of the popular Secret Six. Silver Banshee? Well, the Superman Enemies really need a boost and a female foe wouldn't hurt either. Besides, has there every been a more fabulously designed "Nightmare of a Drag Queen" look than Silver Banshee? She should appear regularly in heavy metal videos and episodes of Queer Eye.
Batman & Robin. Yeah. Together. On one dial. The New Dial Mechanism of the Year is the "duo dial", as used for Cap & Bucky in the Avengers set. It's not exactly what I would use it for, but after the Avengers set, it seems pretty clear that if you ain't got an ampersand between your names, it ain't for you. So, unless they're planning on surprising us with Mr. Scarlet & Pinky or Dan the Dynamite & TNT, it'll be Batman & Robin.
Amazing Man. No, I'm not sure how I feel about Amazing Retcon Man, either. But he was a Justice League member, works with JSA teams, and adds to the list of black characters in clix. Not quite sure what they'd do with his dial, but I guess if they did the Absorbing Man they can do Amazing Man. As long as there's one click of "Amazingly Brittle Man"; that still amuses me.
Gang of Thugs. No, I don't really think we'll get this, but we should anyway, and they should have the new Duo Dial mechanism. That would make the perfect foils for Batman&Robin, plus the Batvillains (particularly the Mastermind ones) desperately need them. Besides, with them, we get to say "GET THEM, YOU FOOLS!" while playing. Really, what's the point of playing villains if you don't get to say, "GET THEM, YOU FOOLS!"?
Nightwing, of course, would add to the Outsiders team, the Batman Family, and still count as JLA (thanks to the horror that was "Obsidian Age"). Besides, a lot of people would like him to be remade. I've never had any problems with him as is, but he is kind of front-loaded and a new dial would do him better justice. Huntress likewise. As for Grace Choi, well, there's always got to be one character I can't believe they wasted plastic on, and that would be she.
As for the last two figures, well...
who do you think they will or should be?
Very well thought out list, I'm really surprised that there'll be a DC 1,000,000 character. I guess that new Team Ability will come into play there.
As for the two I want to see, I'd love a new Mad Hatter. He was one of the Secret Six for a little bit, he's a Batman villain, and the old version stinks. I'm imagining a fairly high attack, mind control, perplex, but a low defense and a glass jaw. The biggest problem with the old is the lack of range, but since then he's used his powers beyond just slipping a hat on somebody.
I'm also hoping for Johnny Sorrow. He was basically impossible to do before, but now we have those fancy new powers. Give him some phasing, super senses, outwit, leadership, and perplex. As for his Lovecraftian stare of death, have him be able to deal a huge amount of damage, but it only appears once or twice on his dial.
Mad Hatter would be a good choice for "Special Power" version of Mind Control/Incapacitate.
I'd certainly welcome a new sculpt of the Penguin. One that doesn't look like the Good Humor Man.
22. Prof. Ivo
36. Vibe
If Vibe is in the set with Professor Ivo, somehow Ivo has to have an ability to choke people from afar with self-guided robot arms.
The last two should be Aztek and Floronic Man.
Some other needed figures: remade Kilowog, Green Arrow (Conner), a classic Blockbuster, remade Blue Beetle (Ted), Rick Flagg, Zaurial, Heatwave, classic Despero, Green Lantern (Guy), The Shaggy Man, Hawkman (Katar), Firestorm (Jason), remade Hawkwoman, Mantis, Captain Comet, Calculator, remade Doomsday, Alexander Luthor, Aqualad, remade Donna Troy, Major Disaster, Liberty Belle (either of them), Johnny Sorrow, The Mist (both of them), Psycho-Pirate, Mera, Sargon The Sorcerer, Bulleteer, Klarion the Witchboy, remade Gorilla Grodd, remade Parasite, remade Solomon Grundy, remade Black Canary, Zatara, Miss Martian, Funky Flashman & Houseroy, Jean Loring with special TOTALLY FREAKIN' NUTS white power...
I think Miss Martian will be reserved for the Teen Titans set that comes next February.
Teen Titans set? Wow, maybe we'll finally get Garth in some identity or other!!
I think one possibility for the JLA set might be Chronos. Not only has he been a member of more different villain teams (all of whom fought the JLA at one point or another) than any other bad guy, as you pointed out Wiz Kids seems to enjoy releasing bad guy teams one member at a time. The Crime Syndicate and Fatal Five are examples of this, as is the Wrecking Crew at Marvel. Well, we got Felix Faust in Collateral Damage, so maybe they're doing this with the Crime Champions as well (so we can expect to get the Fiddler sometime in 2010).
And k26dp, you mentioned Heat Wave in your list of wants. I have considered doing a custom Heat Wave for the Big Monkey eBay store, but I don't know what combat dial to use. I can't think of another fire-wielding character who can't fly!!!
I'm no expert, but I would guess that One would need more distance for safety than a bow's range could offer when firing an atomic arrow head.
But again, I'm no expert in the use of atomic weapons.
Scipio opting for Penguin over Killer Moth? What has this world come to?!
I'm no expert, but I would guess that One would need more distance for safety than a bow's range could offer when firing an atomic arrow head.
That's Silver-Age physics for you. Ever seen Aquaman's wedding?
I'm no expert, but I would guess that One would need more distance for safety than a bow's range could offer when firing an atomic arrow head.
Green Arrow was surely willing to make the sacrifice and I agree; I'd be willing to sacrifice him, too.
The issue, of course, was moot, since Green Arrow (being an idiot) was firing on Starro.
Do you remember what Starro eats? Guess!
Yup. Atomic energy. He ate the arrow.
Is that a picture of Vixen taking Steel from behind while Vibe & Gypsy look away in disgust?
She uses something she calls her "taboo totem".
although, not even I want to see Dr. Polaris in a skimpy costume.
Yes, you do.
What, no one's hoping for Aunt Harriet?
Better yet, how about some vintage Teen Titans villains? The Mad Mod! Ding Dong Daddy Dowd! Or some random hippies, even. The Silver Age *was* the Sixties, after all...
Extreme Jusice Zan and Jayna.
And k26dp, you mentioned Heat Wave in your list of wants. I have considered doing a custom Heat Wave for the Big Monkey eBay store, but I don't know what combat dial to use. I can't think of another fire-wielding character who can't fly!!!
I'd go with Pyro from the Marvel Infinity Challenge/Universe set until something better came along.
The Justice League press release said there'd be figs from Justice League Antarctica, so I think that Major Disaster is a shoo-in, with maybe slots for Cluemaster and Multi-Man. I also can see Killer Penguins tokens, after the Thug precedent from Avengers.
I'd say Judas Contract Terra (you know how I LOVE her,) but that's more likely Titans set. Hmmm....... I want, need and DESERVE a Rainbow Raider....... Zan/Jayna/Gleek (I don't care if the monkey wasn't in Extreme Justice. Space Monkeys are a whole level of awesomeness unto themselves. Just ask Silver Age Brainiac.) And. Um. Hmmmmm..... Black Canary in Gawd-Awful Giffen Wear!
Vibe on your nightstand, eh? Oh dear, the thought of Vibe on your nightstand makes my heart all aflutter. ;)
I'd go with Pyro from the Marvel Infinity Challenge/Universe set until something better came along.
Hey, not bad! Pyro could actually mold flame, unlike Heat Wave, but a Rookie should be sufficiently low-powered to make a good Mick Rory dial! Thanks!
OH! And the set needs Giant figures. So I nominate Titano (with special powers vs. the Superman family, and The Giant Turtle Man Jimmy Olsen. Good lord, I'd work the latter into every game I played. I can't WAIT until we see him in Countdown!!!!
Giant figures in the JLA set? I vote for Xeen Arrow!
Nightwing actually counts because of Justice League Task Force.
the Penguin (who has actually fought the JLA and the SuperFriends) makes much more sense in a JLA set then Killer Moth or Firefly. [Yes, Dale; I know that Killer Moth appeared in JLA #35....]
How many times has the Penguin fought the JLA? #61 and about three panels of #135; any other times?
Psycho Pirate?
Mr. Mxyztplk?
Granny Goodness is a good one.
A new Black Adam?
Make the Bat-Villains better?
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