Fools! You had your chance to wage a write-in campaign of behalf of me, the Composite Superman Clix! But instead you voted for the choices given, rejecting ME. For that, I will force you to wear a French maid's costume and sing "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles", while you watch me melt the other candidates with my heat vision. Then I will kill your favorite hero in an embarrassing way, like blocking their nasal passages with my Elastic Lad powers or Star Boy-ing their brain into superheaviness, thus snapping their necks. Then I will burn "THE JOE MEACH L.E. FIGURE IS MY GOD" onto your forehead using Ultra Boy's flash-vision.
Until then...
Golden Age Starman, 11 votes (THE DRAMA!)
Per Degaton, 9 votes (I remember that...)
Phantom Lady, 8 votes (Hubba-hubba!)
Alfred Pennyworth, 7 votes (Indeed, sir)
The Crime Doctor (This may sting a bit...) & Cat-Man (Roll over, Floyd...), 4 votes
Golden Eagle (a.k.a. SuperChicken), 3 votes
Killer Moth (That's not funny!), 2 votes
Human Flying Fish (Aquaman sucks!), 1 vote
Thats an interesting Composite Superman custom. Where'd you get it?
I have a shop in Malaysia full of chained children of debtors, working night and day on this stuff. Four of them died working on the last Liefield creation...
That's from Candice Richey; she owned me one. Now I only need TWO more...!
What kind of dial is it on? Remember I suggested a Firestorm, as he seemed to use Element Lad's powers most often...
I has no dial!
I can put it on any of the (classic) Legionnaires dials, ya see...
Other or any flying base for some highpowered villain dial whose character I don't care for (such as the forthcoming Darkseid REV).
That is honestly the most beautiful custom Heroclix I've ever seen.
"Amy! Because you have wisely chosen to appreciate my glory, I, the Composite Superman Clix, will not destroy you today! Henceforth you will be consort to my combined Triplicate Girl / Chameleon Boy powers, until such time as my three bodies tire of you, at which point I will Element Lad-ify you into a shiny silver statue for my Garden of Former Concubines. Therefore rejoice!"
Amy, you haven't seen my Human Flying Fish yet...
Isn't that just like a man...?
Boasting that you ain't seen nuttin till you seen his flyin fish...
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