You could go to school or get a job or be a superhero on your own two feet or at least friggin' sit up straight as if you had a backbone!
I'm sick of the Arrow Family ("the Green Team"). Sick of their whiny excuse-making and self-righteous finger-pointing. Sick of their lecturing others while littering the globe with their illegitimate children. Sick of their cheating on their girlfriends, being prostitutes and junkies, trying to be "cool" instead of effective, being victims of modern socially relevant problems, fighting non-deadly crimes with deadly weapons, their eighth-rate "rogues", their prissy facial hair, their greed, their gullibility, their self-centeredness. They are the embodiment of all that has gone wrong with our culture in the last century, both inside and outside of comic books.
Except for Connor Hawke. I like him. He's cute.
I have no problem with the Arrow Family.
However, I DO have a problem with how Winick writes them.
So, I guess, in a sense, I DO have a problem with the Arrow Family.
Sorry for being wrong before...hehe.
Is lil' Speedy's dialoge there a drug confession or a "I am cheating on you and by the breaking up with you" speech?
"Junk and I, we're--we're happy together now. I know it's a lot to ask, but I was hoping...you'd be happy for us, too."
Bring back the Connor Hawke/Eddie Fyers Green Arrow. I'd buy it. Although I'm honestly surprised they haven't killed Connor off yet. Maybe they'll have him and Kyle Raynor die saving the universe from meanness or something. DC SPIN, Grab It!
I'll tell you what a truly groundbreaking, cutting-edge, tell-it-like-it-is shockmeister DC writer ought to do.
Kill Green Arrow AGAIN.
Think about it. The event of the year.
In Connor's defense, it's really really hard to sit up straight on those stupid ottoman stools. The least Oliver could have done was spring for some lousy Eames chairs--I mean, it was the '60s, so they were still reasonably affordable, for crying out loud.
I am currently AMAZED by two things.
1. That Conner is not gay yet (stress yet).
2. Eddie Fyers is still alive.
By the way, I was rereading Longbow Hunters the other day, and did you know they spelled his name "Fyres" in Longbow Hunters?
Relax, Scipio, relax.
Although I agree. Completely
How was Green Arrow ever in the Justice League? No one really thought that through...
I've now officially appointed today as "Rant at Green Arrow day" - should take the stress out of living in London today! Hope I’ll be able to get to the comic shop at some point...
Seven Hells would definitely enjoy Rant at Green Arrow Day.
Oh and the answer to how Green Arrow got into the League? The alternative was Adam Strange...
Green Arrow is Batman's stalker.
Arrowcave, Arrowcar, ArrowPlane, boy sidekick.
Single Green Male.
You know, there's nothing wrong with the Arrow family that a little group counseling couldn't cure.
That, and better writing.
He's the Untalented Mr. Ripley.
He's Superhero Swimfan.
Or, Gordon,
"He's Superhero Swimfan."
If Erika Christensen plays Green Arrow in a movie, I will buy ten tickets.
Hell, they Geoff Johns should re-kill Ollie, Donna Troy, Supergirl, and Hal Jordan in Infinite Crisis.
Then resurrect Blue Beetle, and then kill him off again, just for the hell of it.
Man, that would hilarious.
I personally have no poblem with Ollie or Roy, in fact I kinda of like their hogdog style. But it's the fact that Connor is getting almost 0-face time in the comics that's getting to me. I mean I think that there is only like two small clips of him in Birds of Prey #86, in past year. It's like he's been swept out of the DC universe and no one has told the public yet.
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