wanna grab a beer, I'll be
in the gym." "Noted."
You can't exceed the JSA's coolness with your own haiku; but you can try.
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"Hey Doc, ya know that
Catwoman? I did her! Yeah!
Power Girl's next!" "Word."
"Hmm," thinks Doc Mid-nite,
"I wonder why Batman's voice
Sounds gruffer right now."
"Hey, ex-med student!
Respect the doctor/patient
privilege!" "Oh snap!"
"Catman's 5 o'clock
shadow is very rugged,"
thinks Dr. Midnite.
"Dr. Mid-Nite's lips
are very dewy," muses
Wildcat in secret.
how do you pronounce "Wildcat"?
Oh, you know, with a stereotypical southern drawl..."waaahldket".
I swear, it must be some sort of law of physics that I cannot attempt a haiku without adding an extra syllable. Not as depressing as the light barrier, but personally galling.
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