And thanks to this blog I will never call Shondra Kinsolving anything other than "Dr. Love Interest". In fact, I'm considering changing my name by deed-poll to "Dr. Love Interest". "Yes, I am Dr. Interest; but you may call me... LOVE."
Anyway, in addition to all the intentional laughs the blog provides, I owe it for showing me the following scene, at which I laughed out loud for, oh, 2 minutes....

The only thing that would have made it funnier would have been Dr. Fate saying nothing at all.
Scipio -- I've been meaning to recommend the COMICS CURMUDGEON blog to you if you don't already read it. I'm pretty sure it will make you laugh, based on your blog.
I do.
Please...can we try to keep politics out of a fine comicblog? Even as throwaway one-liners? Mmmkay?
Random Happenstance is a great blog. I particularly like the entry on second-string heroes getting whomped by the lesser villains of A-list characters.
P.S. Anonymous, blogs are all about the writers expressing their own opinions. I don't always agree with Scipio (although I apparently share his politics), but I'll defend his right to say it!
Please...can we try to keep politics out of a fine comicblog? Even as throwaway one-liners? Mmmkay?
Nurse Anonymous, "we" are not writing this blog; I am, "mmmkay"?
The Absorbascon does not have an editorial board and, if it did, "Anonymous" would not be nominated for a position.
You seem to have confused my blog with your own not-yet-created one, where you can include or omit whatever you wish (without, I note, presumptious admonitions from me).
By the way, the president's inarticulateness has nothing to do with politics, it's a matter of public record, and something that he himself admits to.
Given that I am a Washingtonian who was involved in Hill politics for 15 years on both sides of the aisle, I'd say this blog is fairly politics-free. Visit some time "SUPERFRANKENSTEIN" and I'll wager your delicate political sensitivities may require defibrillation.
I support you 100 percent, Scipio. You should have the feeance to do whatever you want on the Internets. All of them. And people shouldn't go all nukular because of your strategery. After all, you have to put food on your family.
Plesident Dlinky McDumbass tark fonny!
Thanks for the plug, and I'm glad you liked it! I was going to suggest that when the collected heroes hit the bar after this, Fate didn't have to buy a drink all night, but then I remembered that helmet...
Anyway, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty much a leftist, and completely reserve the right to rant about whatever to the fullest extent of my ability. I was going to put together a piece on why repealing the death tax in Washington state is a stupid idea that would only benefit the rich...then I got all distracted and posted about why Moon Knight is better then Batman.
I'm not sure which would get more hate mail.
The Moon Knight post; definitely!
Huh. I've seen that panel in its actual comic book home very recently. What's it from?
(1) that panel is hilarious, and you're right, it would have been even funnier with no speech from dr. fate.
(2) your reply to the over-sensitive bush-lover was just note-perfect. you covered the whole spectrum of reasons why the comment was obtuse.
(of course, people like that aren't to blame; their delicate natures are a ntaural by-product of a country with free speech zones, an administration that fires all who dissent, and fox news...)
My Mom voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004, even though she thinks he's an idiot.
But I can forgive her for that.
But if she ever hinted that she thought Moon Knight was better than Batman, I'd have to forget she ever existed.
I got it from DC Blue Ribbon Digest #11, because I love my comics printed on the cheapest possible paper...The actual issue was Justice League of America #102, and if you have it, I salute you!
I have that issue of JLA. Can't remember the story at the moment though..
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