Met up with your friends in the Legion; thanks for the intro! They're very easy-going; I don't know why people find it hard to understand them.

Using an invention, your friend Brainaic 5 is helping me get hep on all the futuristic teen lingo.

Grife, did I laugh when I learned that the future's so squeaky clean that, instead of saying "@#~#$* you!", the kids say:
How quaint! I've been waiting to get caught in traffic so I could use it appropriately against a "nass-head", but there don't see to be any cars in the future. Everyone just seems to already be wherever the story requires them to be. Sprokkin' awesome!
Wow, Brainiac is a nasty one isn't he? Giving you the bollocks like that. "Behold...the Flight Ring!" indeed.
According to the chart, Brainiac 5 and Koko the albino space monkey are bound by an "unusual attachment."
Ah. So that's what the kids are calling it these days.
Gol-darn pervy Coluans. I swear. In my century, when a man and a monkey were...oh, never mind.
Thank you for your beautiful gift of "Behold... the flight ring."
Actually, Harvey, the Legion constitution has an amendment that clarifies that "unusual attachment" means "between a man and a monkey".
Awp! My poor 21st century cranium doesn't "grok" that "future-lingo" too well either.
Brainiac kept calling me an "f-type" and it took me a while to figure out what he was getting at. And then I kicked his ass.
Fun fact: in the future, earth-moving projects are accomplished solely through narration. For example, a specially-trained corps of poet-engineers just off-panel are vocally hollowing out the earth next to the Legion clubhouse in preparation for a man-made lake. The next step is to stock it with widemouth bass. And crappies! Plenty of crappies.
Say "hi" to Porcupine Pete for me!
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