This isn't usually my style, but I saw this panel on the DC boards recently and simply could not resist.
FAN PIC* contest

I don't have the heart to redialog this panel.
But I'm betting YOU do.
*The improvisation of amusing dialog or narration based on an out-of-context comic book panel, usually ribald in nature.
FAN PIC* contest

I don't have the heart to redialog this panel.
But I'm betting YOU do.
*The improvisation of amusing dialog or narration based on an out-of-context comic book panel, usually ribald in nature.
"This is in the Kama Sutra?"
"Page 37."
"Do you own a 'fridge?"
"Yeah, why?"
So much fun, there has to be more than one!
"When I woke up today I never suspected I would be on the receiving end of a Hal Jordan wedgie."
"That's funny, because I totally saw this coming."
"Are you sure you and Oliver do this all the time?"
"Yes. Sometimes Dinah watches."
"You know, I bet that out of context this probably looks pretty gay."
"Really? Why would you say that?"
"Told you I could lift you off the ground using only my buttcheeks."
"Okay, okay. Put me down and I'll give you your five bucks."
"In brightest day, in blackest night..."
"Peter North?!?!?! You're not Hal Jordan!!!"
"Call me Matt Ramsey."
Am I mistaken or is that drawn by Phil Jimenez? It would add a whole new level of meaning to me if it is.
Hee hee! one of my favorite pictures. I love seeing Kyle use his greatest asset.
Thanks, Scipio!
"You really aren't superpowerless from the waist down!"
"They don't call me 'Highball' for nothing, kid!"
"Kama Sutra, it is then!"
"Katma Tui, Kyle, Katma Tui!"
"Damn it! I really thought Dr Polaris was going legit when he sent us those boxers as a peace offering!"
"Are you sure this is ok with the Guardians?"
"Don't ask, don't tell, pal!"
"Is it okay if I call you Terry?"
"Okay. Mind if I call you Kairo?"
"Pardon my prostate!"
"What a tight... grip you have."
Kyle: "This situation calls for us to merge our powers! UH! Quickly, Hal! Merge! OH! UH!"
Hal: "Right Kyle! OH!UH! It's like wearing TWO power rings at once! OHHHH! FEEL THE POWER!!!
Hey, what's everyone staring at?"
"Hal I thought you were going to take me flying?"
"Trust me kid, you will be."
"Kairo"; heh.
Kyle: Hah! I'm wearing yellow underwear!
Hal: Curses!
"Be careful trying this in Zero G, kid, or you'll probably end up embedded in an asteroid somewhere."
Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Quit bellyaching kid. I was "initiated" into the Corps by Kilowog.
"So this what "Congress of the Cow" looks like."
"Please don't make the big green fist right now."
"I swear you said Simon Says."
Kyle: "You said this was Ollie's inspriation for the Exploding arrow? I just don't see it."
Hal: "Wait for kid. Wait for it"
Kyle: "I thought you said you were going to probe Uranus with your power beam!"
Hal: "That pun is too bad even for the Absorbascon."
Not so good with the dialogue, but here's caption
you owe me a keyboard.
"You got peanut butter on my chocolate!"
"You got chocolate in my peanut butter!"
Really, what else could they be saying?
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