- those who knew immediately what "RFG" stood for in the title of this post and
- those who did not.
I'm one of the former and, if you're reading this blog, you probably are, too.
If I were younger I might have waited to see whether Wizkids would make these fanboy favorites, but I'm not certain I've got another 250 years left in me. So I tasked Totaltoyz with creating ...

As you'll remember, they came in second in our last Custom Heroclix poll.
I weep for their beauty. And they are going to be a butt-kicking team, I think, particularly in combination with either the Joker or the custom Amos Fortune I've ordered; bring it on, JLAers!
Ow! Now you made me think about what kind of dial Amos Fortune would have. He'd be like a veteran Julian September, if there were such a thing, or a veteran Chancer, but there's no such thing as that either. At least, I don't think there are such things.
I didn't know what it meant. I think those characters are really nifty, but I've never seen it abbreviated before.
Awww, it's so cute how they are standing on those tiny little playting cards. I still don't know what you are supposed to do with them, but go ahead boys, and have a good time.
Wow - my first exposure to the Royal Flush Gang came only yesterday in Superman Confidential #1. And now here they are again. Synchronicitousitude!
Well, we now know we're getting the RFG from Wiz Kids in the Crisis set. Unlike my customs, it will be in the form of two Duo figures and one Ace (in or out of the hole). So far I've only seen one of the Duos, but I humbly think my work is better. (I think whoever designed their Jack & 10 had a bit too much Jack & Coke that day....)
It will not succeed in actual fact, that is what I think.
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