- Those who hate Jimmy Olsen.
- Those who hate Jimmy Olsen less.
Therefore this is the perfect Heroclix custom, desirable to all:

Jimmy Olsen was the winner of our most recent poll on which Custom Heroclix I should have made by Totaltoyz. Heroclix made a Jimmy Olsen pog (spelled wrong!) but that's hardly the same as the figure he deserves.
You, too, can have your own Jimmy Olsen Custom Clix, with "Daily Planet" Team Ability (equivalent to the valuable Police Team Ability).
And what good is he, other than his incomparable aesthetic value? Jimmy has the dial of a Rookie Undercover Gotham Cop, which makes him a perfect complement to Superman. Why...?
Well, Superman's a powerful attack piece but in that circus outfit he's not exactly 'stealthy'. Plus he's always "the Gorilla on the Board"; that is, the powerful threatening piece that immediately becomes the primary target of your opponents sniping and dogpiling. If only we had a way to hide him without feeling cowardly...
Ah! Jimmy Olsen! Jimmy starts with two clicks of Stealth, from all that sneaking around taking pics surreptitiously in his green suit and red bow tie. So Superman can carry Jimmy Olsen up to some hindering terrain -- a tree or phone booth -- to get a better vantage point for his photography. And if Superman just happens to be behind him, where enemies can't target him, well, so much the better. Then Superman can make a heroic high-speed charge out from behind Jimmy to clobber any one who threatens his "boy pal".
Gets better. Thanks to the, ahem, "Daily Planet" Team Ability, Jimmy increases the Attack Value of any adjacent friendly piece against any opponent piece they both can see. You know how alert Jimmy is: "Superman, look out! It's a giant superpowered Nazi gorilla! And it's carrying a kryptonite machine gun!" Gee, thanks, Jimmy; without you, my super-vision would have missed that completely.
If Jimmy takes a little damage -- like, from a falliing brick -- his last click still holds a suprise: Shape Change, giving Jimmy a one-in-three chance of avoiding being a target of any attack. Who says a Disguise Kit doesn't come in handy?
At only 14 points, Jimmy Olsen is an indispensible part of any Superman team.
Or extremely dispensible. Either way works.
I'm already holding my breathe for an exclusive turtle boy variant.
Oh, bullcrap. I *love* Jimmy Olsen, and if I could only write one DC comic in the entire world, it would be Jimmy freakin' Olsen.
Of course, my vision of Jimmy is that he would be the coolest mofo on the planet, rather than a big dork. Or maybe he'd be both.
Jimmy is awesome. I would be Jimmy if I knew a superhero who would fulfill my every petty chore. What's Major Victory's number?
I'm already holding my breathe for an exclusive turtle boy variant.
It's already been suggested that I do a set of Jimmy's various transformations, like Giant Turtle Boy, Elastic Lad, Werewolf Jimmy, etc. As I stated then, if I ever do such a set, it will definitely include The Red-Headed Beatle of 1,000 B.C.!
The Red-Headed Beatle of 1,000 B.C.!
You'll be as popular as Ringo!
Of course, my vision of Jimmy is that he would be the coolest mofo on the planet, rather than a big dork. Or maybe he'd be both.
That's what I love about Morrison's Olsen in All-Star. He's both!
I hate Jimmy Olsen. I would be happy if DC let him grow up and get lost in the middle management of the Daily Planet--exactly as he is destined to do.
would be happy if DC let him grow up and get lost in the middle management of the Daily Planet
I think that's what happened to the Earth-Two Jimmy Olsen. Take a look at America Vs. The Justice Society #1.
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