I'm going to produce "Creator Pogs" so that you can have writer and artists as bystanders in your Heroclix games; how delightfully wicked. Gail Simone was the first; suggestions welcome! Our next Comic Creator Custom Clix pog is for:

You can use this pog as is, but it's more fun to use
the Special Judd Winick Rules:
- Judd Winick has "Poison" but only toward Green Arrow, Kyle Rayner, and any figure with the Outsiders Team Ability.
- Judd Winick may be carried by other writers.
Note that the Judd Winick pog has no ranged attack but has a Damage Value of 1. That means Judd can do Damage to characters but only when he gets close to them.
For maximum ambience during gameplay with this pog, tune the TV to the Real World or Juniper Lee in the background.
Wouldn't this be the second creator pog? You already made one of her awesomeness, Gail Simone.
John Byrne
Special Rules:
1. John Byrne may not be fielded on a Marvel team.
2. John Byrne gains battle fury when members of Alpha Flight are fielded.
Damage Value of 0
Huzzah! A triumph. I hereby declare this Best Anti-Winick Statement Ever!
"Judd Winick has "Poison" but only toward Green Arrow, Kyle Rayner, and any figure with the Outsiders Team Ability."
You may want to add members of the Marvel Family to that list. I know it's too soon to say for certain, but definitely keep the idea in mind in the months to come if he remains consistent.
Bill, I think we can with confidence add the Marvels to Judd's Poison ability. Did you see that Brave New World preview? I don't think Mary lives past his first issue.
Which they'll immediately forget about when somebody wants to use her for something else (much like Dr. Light's hospital time, Marionette.)
You should make a Chris Claremont pog. He should add power to anyone with X-Men(or Doom Patrol, JLA, pretty much anything he's touched) Team Ability, but only for about four or five turns, then he should give increasing Damage to anyone in his wake.
Are you telling me you guys don't have confidence in lines like: "I bring it down hard."
Also: "Judd Winick may be carried by other writers" is excellent, good sir.
Also: "Judd Winick may be carried by other writers" is excellent, good sir.
Why, sir, I have no idea what you're implying.
Have an idea for one. Just give me a link and a shout out if you decide to use this one. :)
Chris Claremont - 6 Points
Movement: 5
Attack: 7
Defense: 16
Damage: 1
The Special Chris Claremont Rules:
1. Grants +1 to all stats for all X-Men on his team.
2. Grants +2 to all stats for all X-Women on his team.
3. All X-Men and X-Women on his team must be placed on the "Xavier's Mansion" map and cannot leave this map until attacked.
I gotta note, nitpickily, that since the Power of Shazam Brave New World story takes place back during Infinite Crisis, and the new series will probably start at the "current" date, Mary's time in the hospital will probably be over by the first issue.
I think Judd should have a higher defence.
I've seen so many people attack him, yet he keeps chugging along...
Gosh, noone has tried doing a Grant Morrison pog?
Let's see, how would somebody represent metatext abuse in HeroClix? Perhaps GM can taxi characters to a space JUST OUTSIDE the board. There, the character can attack normally, but is immune to attacks. After a turn, the character must return to a field adjacent to Grant.
"I think Judd should have a higher defence."
A good point.
"Gosh, noone has tried doing a Grant Morrison pog? Let's see, how would somebody represent metatext abuse in HeroClix?"
Perhaps that's best done with a Feat Card: In Contract With Morrison.
I used a "writer scenario" for an online Heroclix league I run every winter. Each team had to rescue different writers, but the writer they rescued was determined randomly when they got adjacent... so depending on the writer, something potentially good or bad happened to the team.
Example: if the writer turned out to be Bendis "This character takes 2 clicks of unreducable damage. If this character has a TA every other character on his team who shares his TA and all wildcards takes 2 clicks of damage, which may be reduced by damage reducing powers. If this character has no team affiliation, he becomes an Avenger for the rest of the game for no apparent reason, and all other Avengers on your team take the 2 clicks of reducable damage."
I like your pogs better. If you make a whole set of them, I'm going to use them next time I run the league!
How about a Ron Marz Pog? That should have special time-warping abilities that allows characters to use 1990s slang in 1945.
Marv Wolfman pog.
When adjacent to any figure with the Titans Team Ability, remove fig from the board and replace it with a Marvel fig of the same point value.
The new figure is incapacitated for two rounds, while they deal with crippling feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.
Brad Meltzer pog:
Grants the Superman Team Ability, +3 to all stats, along with Hypersonic Speed, Super Strength, Impervious and Close Combat Expert.
But only when adjacent to Deathstroke the Terminator.
"When adjacent to any figure with the Titans Team Ability, remove fig from the board and replace it with a Marvel fig of the same point value."
I would amend that to "of LESSER value".
I'm dying to see someone create a Rob Liefeld pog. How would you reflect that characters adjacent to him suddenly lose usable feet, have their organs crushed from impossible anatomy?
Grant Morrison's pog can carry a hero outside the map edges and back in.
Rob Liefeld adds Defense to all nearby heroes at the cost of Speed.
Warren Ellis has Flying and some form of blinding attack.
Rob Liefeld should also have some kind of illusory powers (don't know enough about Heroclix to call it by its right name), making people believe what he draws is actually art.
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