Isn't it ironic?

I see the blade a swaying on the guillotine above

Bitterly ironic

Isn't it ironic?
Every time he's tried, my foe Lex Luthor's missed.

Is it irony?
Green monkey is kryptonite, Does it mean that I will fall and it kill me? Isn't it ironic?
Is it irony?
No, not irony.
But an excellent parody.
I'm always fuzzy on the difference between "irony" and "coincidence".
Curse your infernal diddies, Canadian songstress Alanis Morisette!
A little too ironic....
Dontcha think?
Only in comics can a man say "the Kryptonite Man didn't get me, but his Kryptonite Monkey will!" and nobody comments on just how absurd the statment is.
On the other hand, it's, you know, monkeys.
Michael has a very valid point. The thought of a Kryptonite Monkey running around somehow just makes me giddy.
Oh, the Irony!
Proof positive that even when threatened with death by a Kryptonite Monkey...somehow a little Rogers and Hart makes all the irony bearable.
If Bruce Wayne has to go to a superhero themed costume party, why not go dressed as the Flash? or as a Kryptonite monkey?
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