His latest creation, however, is not:

This Unique is labelled "Avril Francesca", with a point value of 8-lb 7-oz.
I think congratulations are in order; his most lifelike yet. I suspect he may have actually had help on this one.
I haven't seen the dial, but I suspect it starts with an activation click, then picks up Perplex.
Aww. She's adorable.
It's a she? I can never tell with babies. I guess Avril is a girl's name.
Avril is French for April. Definitely a girl's name. Interesting choice, since it's not quite April yet. Pretty, though. C'est la vie.
Baby lambs and baby people all over the place. Feels like Spring!
Interesting choice, since it's not quite April yet.
The choice was my wife's. She fell in love with the name as a young girl and has always wanted to name her daughter Avril. Now she's finally done so. (I lobbied for Zatanna, but got shouted down.)
Visit the Big Monkey Comics eBay store for custom Clix; diapers ain't cheap!!
Well, she's got good Kirbyesque posin' skills:
"(I lobbied for Zatanna, but got shouted down.)"
Oh, like you want to deal with THAT when she starts to blossom!
The choice was my wife's. She fell in love with the name as a young girl and has always wanted to name her daughter Avril. Now she's finally done so.
Hey, it's a great name. Just had me squinting at the calendar, is all. XD
Anywho, congratulations!
Naming your kid Zatanna is a sure way to ensure your own lingering multi-part heroic and sometimes repeated death. Especially if you're the father.
I'm just kidding, I never wanted to name our daughter Zatanna.
What I really lobbied for was Mera. And she's got the red hair...
WOW, that art style is realistic!
Who drew that baby??
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