Barry, on the other hand, spits 'em out even at the most startling times, and doesn't even bother to say them out loud... that's how good he is!

Can it be--is it
possible-- that WALLY now
has the speed of Flash?
possible-- that WALLY now
has the speed of Flash?
Yeah, I'd be worried, too, Barry; this kid ain't no Robin!
What haiku can YOU compose to celebrate the return of Barry Allen?
Gone twenty two years...
Why bother now, since last year
I gave up comics?
Speed of light hero
Gone for twenty years
Finds fun in strip club
The Lightning crackles.
Central City thunder rolls.
Heads up - here he comes!
Death is no big deal
Says Supes, Ollie, Hal, Carter
Batman plans it too
Original Flash
returns and again, death means
little in comics
I'll take my first crack at Haikuesday to summarize my feelings on why Barry's return looks like such an attractive proposition.
Wally's a good kid
If Waid had used the Rogues more
He would have been great
Barry had all the
cool monikers. All hail the
true "Sultan of Speed."
And Haikuesday or no, I'm dying to hear Scipio's reaction to this photo:
I really wish that
Barry Allen would stay dead.
Sometimes heroes die.
Barry has returned
Sans Broome/Infantino or
Bates/Novick -- who cares?
To Batman:
The look on your face-
When you saw me melt away
Was hilarious!
-Citizen Scribbler
Flash Fact: Energy
Is a constant, never destroyed.
So to, the Speed Force.
Back when he was Kid Flash, Wally used heroic haiku quite often!
"The Flips could stop me
even if I was falling
off of a cliff, Flash!"
Just one example.
The Rogues' Gallery.
In modern times, they forget
The apostrophe.
The Rogues' Gallery.
In modern times, they forget
The apostrophe.
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