I scoff at James Bond. James Bond is a WUSS compared to the Phantom Stranger. The Phantom Stranger is a true International Man of Mystery.
If the Phantom Stranger doesn't like you, he will beat the living tar out of you.

'cuz when P.S. starts a-wailin' it's like an Act of God.
Once he's done pummelling you half way to Jesus and back, then he'll steal your girl.

What are you going to do about it? Shoot him?
Then, once he's done with both of you, he'll do something so gratuitously, awe-inspiringly fabulous that Bond would simply wet his pants even to view it.

And all of this is done, of course, in The Outfit, which no one else (certainly not James Bond) could carry off.

That's fantastic. Phantom Stranger's approaching Starman-level drama here.
And lady in the last panel, don't ever question P.S.'s wardrobe. Because now he's gonna have to take you down like that lion.
"I'm sorry, but anyone who can see that without wanting to have the Phantom Stranger's baby simply isn't human."
Well...Adopt maybe....
When did writers start using Phantom Stranger like a wussier Watcher? He is so much more...virile, sexy, attractive, exciting...this way!
I believe that happened after he lost his own series and became an occasional guest star in the JLA, where he was confined to passive walk-ons.
That period is the source of most people's impressions of the Phantom Stranger.
I must confess, that later period is how I remember the Phantom Stranger. It would be nice to see him doing something, let alone doing something with his fists.
Between this post and Starman's 'applesauce' crack, the action quotient seems to be up lately. Hmm. Good.
And thus, I am sold on the Showcase Presents: Phantom Stranger. I always knew he was awesome, I didn't know the half of it.
You know why he dresses like that right? He dares you to laugh at him.
It's not easy carrying off an opera cloak, gloves and a hat, but by god, the Phantom Stranger does it. He also uses words like "miscreant", which is just cool.
"If you have minions, they'd better have insurance,
'cuz when P.S. starts a-wailin' it's like an Act of God."
They shouldn't bother with the insurance. Acts of God are always ommitted.
Touche, CT!
So the Phantom Stranger, was he steering that speedboat with just his right foot?
Or does he just turn the engine on and stand out there, trusting the boat to take him where he is needed?
I'm really not sure which answer would be cooler.
"Or does he just turn the engine on and stand out there, trusting the boat to take him where he is needed?"
Amazing, huh?
But what does he do about the blood splattering on the opera gloves?
Bronze Age Phantom Stranger kicks mucho butt.
And did you see the Newsarama preview of Tad Williams' first issue of Aquaman?
He gives you a fat, old thanks on the splash page right along with Kurt Busiek.
You are officially most awesome.
And did you see the Newsarama preview of Tad Williams' first issue of Aquaman?
I did. Tad's an extremely nice guy and very gracious! It's Tad, not me, who is awesome, and I hope you all tune it to see where he takes the Aquaman series.
If he reads this blog, maybe he actually "gets" Aquaman. That's reason enough for me to check it out.
*crosses his fingers for a scene with an archer octopus*
Wearing a hat on a plane is funny? Funny "ha ha," or funny... well, you know.
"Unhand that tricapital ophidian, you miscreant!"
I will not rest until I can somehow work this quote into an everyday conversation.
Like most other fans, I'm used to the Watcher type Phantom Stranger we've seen since the 1970's (making his appearance in Blue Devil Annual #1, the "Summer Fun Spectacular" that much more fun). Watching him take down a Lion is truly an eye-opener.
Oh, sure. When I just say in text that "He is a moderately skilled hand-to-hand combatant, often surprising with a punch someone who smugly thought their protection against magic rendered them untouchable," no one cares-- that site's been up for ten years(!) and that comment's never gotten a single reaction. You put up all these pretty pretty pictures (mmm... Aparo...) and get 18 comments!
Seeing is believing, Jacob. C'mon; you have to SEE the panels with the lion and the speedboat to really get it.
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