As mention in our last post, next up at the Absorbascon is a celebration of the formation of the--

Oh, sorry about that. Ahem. A celebration of the formation of the Justice League in the DC's "New 52", in which we'll--

Okay, Jean Loring; I hear you! And I realize that I would ignore the demands of the DCU's craziest denizen at my peril. So, we will in fact be giving attention to some of your further adventures, as part of our forthcoming series:
JLA HQ Fortnight!
Because it takes more than a week, you know. Stay tuned.
Looking forward to it!
Say, speaking of ongoing series, are we ever going to find out how Supergirl dealt with "the Gang"?
Nope. I don't have the final issue of the storyline. :-)
I'll spoil it for you: Supergirl wins and the Gang's plans are foiled.
the DCU's craziest denizen
I guess the EIC doesn't count as a "denizen".
Well! This is certainly something to be looking forward to! With GREAT anticipation.
Seriously, it is a much sadder universe without Queen Jean in it.
Seriously, it is a much sadder universe without Queen Jean in it.
I think you misspelled "saner", there.
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