From Pep Comics solicits...
"Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story! In this issue, while visiting an excessively castellated Ren Fair, the Shield becomes frickin' enormous-- through sheer force of will! Will his increased size be enough to save Dusty from that evil dry-cleaner, 'the Starcher', who's attacked his cape?
"Plus, we introduce the Hangman, the Caped Crusader of Capital Punishment! Coming soon for kids on the Cartoon Network: Hangman, The Grave & The Cold!"
Coming soon for kids on the Cartoon Network: Hangman, The Grave & The Cold!Anybody know how to get Dr. Pepper off a monitor screen?
Wait...a guy named the Hangman is supposed to be a GOOD guy? Dusty has a warped view there!
It's all right, SallyP- he only hangs criminals and minorities.
Hmmm. Interesting composition.
If you follow from the center of the image to the right, it appears that a large beam juts from the hangman's codpiece reaching out to Rusty.
If you look from the left to the center, it looks like the Shield's middle finger is about to "surprise" the Hangman.
No room for tied-up women or vampires this issue.
When these characters are brought into the 21st Century DC Multiverse, will the Hangman be updated into the Lethal Injector?
Thanks Dean, I guess that makes it all ok then!
Oh, comics...I love you so.
Not too many of these PEP covers left until the Archieverse takes over, are there?
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