
Which of the industry's powerful questions should I devote an entire week to?
- DC and Marvel's comparative successes at building big-budget movie-making around their properties and its long-term implications for the parent industry of comic books?
- Vertigo's need to find its next must-read series?
- Joey Q's strange treatment of the Ultimates Universe?
- The possibility, given the grudging success of the BND Spider-Man, that other Marvel characters may begin to cast off their continuity-shackles for a fresh "everything old is new again" approach?
- The return of Barry Allen, and how it's part of that exact trend at DC?
Hm... no.
Whaddaya think this is, Newsarama? Besides, despite the urgency of those topics, they are but emphemera, only pebbles on the sands of time at the big Comic Book Beach by the Sea of Lore.
Instead, I want us to address something of eternal concern to all decent people, not just comic book readers (although how one can be a decent person without reading comics, I've never quite understood; I know I can't). Something that affects not just the individual, but society as a whole. Something that all media have addressed, but upon which comic books can give us their own unique perspective.
Thus, this week the Absorbascon will be discussing:

I can fully adhere to your thematic week, and I'm completely relieved you didn't opt for any of the other snooze-fests.
I just hope you have secured Blockade Boy expert commentary for these posts.
Excellent, I have desperately wanted to look fabulous, but wasn't sure where to start. Certainly this comic book blog will not fail me!
I can tell this is going to be simply divoon.
I'm away on vacation this week, hiding out in the last place that anyone would ever think to look for me.
I don't know about that. Most of the men in Nashville walk around in wide-brimmed hats, high-heeled boots, and scarves. Sounds natural to me.
I'm hoping Mr. Nebula will co-write this one.
Oh Scipio, you're ALREADY fabulous!
And since it's summertime, it is high time to break out those straw boaters and white shoes!
Since I'm attending a barbershop music competition that attire would not be inappropriate.
Nashville? Barbershop music? Fabulous!! :)
Have a great vacation...
Wow, thanks for the link to my blog! But how could I possibly compare to a Scipio-penned series called "How To Look Fabulous"?
Looking forward to what Vibe has to say about it.
Have fun in the 'Ville. If you can, check out South Street Smokehouse, Noshville and the Great Escape on Broadway(?) They are all in the same area.
Since my own area of expertise is "how to look kick-ass", I'm looking forward to your lessons in the sweet(er) science of Fabulosity.
Quite useful information, thanks for your post.
steel buildings
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