This donation was made possible by the kind folks who participated in the Big Monkey Benefit Party, either by buying things at the party or making a contribution from afar.
At both facilities our contacts were delighted by the contribution, assuring us that such donations are of great value to the kids and soldiers. In fact, at the Children's Hospital we were shown that some of the waiting rooms are decorated with large images of comic book heroes, and that they are used to inspired the children to be brave while visiting.
Both CH and the USO are happy to serve as hubs for distributing our contributions to the various hospitals and clinics they operate in the metro-area. They are eager for as much as we can give them, so Big Monkey is hoping to have another benefit party soon, which we hope you can attend.
P.S. I got my haircut last night.
This is a wonderful thing that you are doing, Scipio.
Way to be a real life superhero, Scipio!
-Citizen Scribbler
Amen! I likely won't be able to attend the next benefit, but I'll gladly donate some custom HeroCLix for sale/auction!
That's really great. Hopefully the comics were generally of the inspiring kind and not the "all too human" depressing kind.
Your hair isn't that bad. Consider yourself lucky that you still have most of yours. I'm 26 and I'm almost out of hair already...
And can I make a retroactive donation? I wanted to before but things sort of got away from me...
Donations are still being accepted!
This was so well received both by participants and recipients that we will do it again soon. So any donations taken after this will be tallied up for the next benefit!
You can use PayPal to donate, if you like. Just note what the payment is for, sending it to scipio@bigmonkeycomics.com.
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