Poor James Jesse.
Is he a victim of the reboot? It's unclear; he's not been mentioned as one of "Captain Cold's gang of rogues", but the presence of Axel Whathisface in the Flash certainly means that James Jesse is not currently operating as the Trickster. Yet he must have; how else would Axel have "inherited" the title and the gadgets?
Is James Jesse dead? Or reformed? Or still in prison?

Jesse occupied a unique place among the Rogues as the unpredictable wacko, and its not a role you can pass to another one of them. Meanwhile, Axel's pretty weak sauce; is Geoff Johns preparing for the original Trickster to make a dramatic comeback at some point?
Because there is no way that little punk Axel could make a getaway on soap bubbles...
WHILE haikuing about it.

They are made of a
special type of soap which will
hold you, as you say.
special type of soap which will
hold you, as you say.
What haiku can you compose in praise of James "The Trickster" Jesse?
Running through the sky
And laughing maniacally
Who picked out those clothes?
My bubbles are made
From pretty weak sauce; Geoff Johns
Couldn't make this good.
Unlike Scipio,
I never liked the Trickster...
And now I still don't.
A rubber dummy
"Look in safe for your money"
He's no Ed Nigma
LMAO, I'm under attack from the League of Trickster-Haters!
Mad props to Trickster.
He single-handedly beat
Neron not once...twice!!!
What haiku can I
compose in praise of James "The
Tricker" Jesse? THIS!
Heh; nice one.
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