And doing what a young boy should: hurling legs-spead into the face of evil. Missed ya, kiddo!
In true "Pep" fashion, this cover has glowing yellow skies and some awesome 3D effects. The teeny weeny Nazi toy soldier in the far background, Dusty and his black snuggies in the background, the ever-charming Hangman in the mid-ground, and in the foreground, giving what-for to the dental hygienically-challenged, is our hero, The Shield. But we'll get back to him later... .
Wait, just what is the Hangman doing? OMG, that's so unfair, attacking poor Jesse James as he's trying to get to the opera with his date. Hey... that's not Kat Von D!!! Well, whoever that poor woman is, I applaud Jesse for taking a sword to that overly constricting dress. "Stupid hangman," Jesse grunts, "capes --are so-- last year!"
P.S. Don't believe the hype: the whole country is NOT talking about Capt. Commando.
He's back! Oh yeah, Dusty too. It's been a long year.
Welcome back! You've been missed.
The Absorbason's back! YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Woo-hoo! Good to see you back.
Woohoo! I knew there was a reason other than laziness I don't clean out my rss reader.
Welcome back!
Alright! And you made it look so easy not missing a beat! Welcome back :)
Is this really happening?!?
Glad to have you back. My daily internet browsings just haven't been the same without the hilarity and insightfullness of The Absorbascon.
*gasp* You're back! Yes!!
The Absorbascon is back? This is just too good to be true!
This is definitely good news.
You've been missed, Scip.
Welcome back, Scipio. I've missed your insight and wit ... and I really needed the laugh today.
*does the Dance of Joy*
Welcome back! I can't believe it's been a year. What a dark and dreary Absorbascon-less year it was...
I am so VERKLEMPT right now...
Oh Scipio...we missed you so. And marking lyour triumphant return with a copy of the Shield just makes it EXTRA special.
The return of Scipio!!!
Even better than the return of Bruce Wayne!!
Welcome back!
just another anonymous lunkhead here to say how happy he is that you're back!
Yay! Welcome back Scip!
Awesome!! Welcome back!
Love you, man! Great to have you back.
"Hit the ground! This is going to be oomphy!"
Wait, was this all a "return of Superman/Captain America/Bruce Wayne" type ploy?? Scipio's suddenly gone, then a year later POOF! He's back. Was this all just to increase readership??? (Aww, what do I care? I'm just glad you're back, buddy!)
Hear, hear! Long live Scipio & The Absorbascon!
-Citizen Scribbler
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