Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fill in the Blank

Shamelessly stolen from Diamondrock's recent post on Title Undetermined.


Steven said...

I'm sorry, is "I'm superpowerless... except from the waist down!" way too easy?

Eldest said...

"I can finally realize my dream of dating an elf. I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY 15!!!!"

Diabolu Frank said...

"I'm back! The Corps' back! Now even you're back! NOT EVEN CHRIS HANSEN CAN STOP ME NOW!"


"I hate to admit it, but Slade Wilson was right! I LOVE 4CHAN!"

...in other words, Hal Jordan is still a creep...

Will said...

I feel like the original text is pretty funny in and of itself given Hal's track record with women.

Anonymous said...

"I finally caught one! Now I can make her lead me to the hollow tree---and take all the cookies I want!!"

Heartiac. said...

"Thank God I found you! I'll call you Lil' Lantern! Won't Batman be jealous?"

Scriptking said...

"That's not the ring! It's all me, baby."

feildmouse said...

"You're a little old for me... BUT WHAT THE HELL!"

Sleestak said...

"I used my ring to speed up your planet's orbit. YOU'RE 28!"

SallyP said...

Oh Hal...I don't even need to put in words to find you hilarious.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guys' Guy said...

"yah I'm after your lucky charms, so hand them over."

Unknown said...

"...and it glows green in the dark! Want to see?"

Anonymous said...

My own Kes Real Doll is here!

Anonymous said...

This is how you do the Heimlich Manuever... BACKWARDS!!!

Scipio said...

Kes. Heh. Laughed out loud at that one.

Anonymous said...

Hal Jordan is DC's Captain Kirk.

Better lock up your daughters!

(wink) Go get'em, Hal!