It's a temple on Paradise Island (Themyscira). It's not quite finished (I may add a few touches here and there), but this is certainly the gist of it.

Features include the chokeholds at the single staircase and at the bridge over the Pools of Purification. Note that the Pools are not elevated, but lie below the elevated plane.
The colonnades of the temple make long-range attacks difficult. If you want an open fire-fight you'll have to occupy the area in front of the temple. But the Pools of Purification and the cliff edge make that a challenge; you just know somebody's going to suffer knockback and fall with a thud or a splash!
You may want to have Aquaman help Wonder Woman out on this map; he'll probably come in handy.
Love it.
I already am feeling my man-hating vibes percolating.
Just don't touch it with your FEET! Or the Amazons will lose all their powers, and immortality, and Capitol One Reward Points.
Thanks, CL; no higher source of praise than you! Playing on your wonderful train station map now, with Wonder Woman facing off against a horde of customized Nazis.
Want to collaborate on something some time...?
I appreciate the praise! However, the train station map isn't mine. I think you might mean the map done by NeoShazam!
Is this map available yet? I can't seem to open a link to download it. Awesome map BTW. Been looking for one like this for awhile now.
LOL, it's not a Wizkids map, it's just something I threw together. Happy to send you the file if you want to get in printed...
Yes I would. Please send it to Thanks. Let me know when you send it. BTW, can I peak your interest in doing a map that could pass for the interior of Galactus' ship or the Monitor's satellite?
Sent. Well, I know nothing about the inside of Galactus ship (except that Dazzler was there once). I really wasn't interested in a COIE map; what are you picturing?
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