Sunday, February 02, 2025

Doll Man: Blowing Up The Help.

Ladies and gentlemen, Martha Roberts (from Doll Man Quarterly #3):

Martha stops off an orphanage to pick up some fresh orphans for her activities.

Darrell "Doll Man" Dane:
"Orphans? How tedious. Are they contagious?"

Martha is a trustee. 

Darrell: "I'll remain here, plucking my eyebrows, lest I catch any orphanic diseases.  Is orphanism contagious?  No self-respecting hero should be an orphan."

Martha, as an absentee trustee, it shocked to find:

Martha: "Don't mind me, MISSUS Noble, I'm just accentuating my free-flowing bachelorette tresses in contrast to your de-sexualized butch cut."

that there are orphans at the orphanage.

Yes, there are orphans at the orphanage of which you are a trustee, Martha. I'd hate to see your reaction to Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Mercifully, I'm skipping most of the scenes of fifth columnist midgets disguised as orphan boys.

Pictured: Comforting o-o-o-orphans.

Blow up the help? No wonder she's upset; good help is hard to find.

Martha was a pioneer in Rule 34.


Just in case you are wondering what Darrell "Doll Man' Dane is doing during all this.

Getting his *** kicked by a Nazi dwarf, named "The Dwarf", who is the master of the midget fifth columnists, because of course he is.

Doll Man saves Martha (and the factory), as you would expect.  The midgets survive, but the dwarf succumbs to comic book irony.

There is a lot to deride in Doll Man stories, but Doll Man creator Will Eisner was a master of innovative panel layout.

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