Honestly, I think if Buddy Baker wore that outfit, he'd be a much more popular character. |
The only thing Speed enjoys more than looking at corpses is telling people that other people are dead. |
Not wishing to tip his hand too soon, Speed deftly covers his misstep with a clever deception!
"Oh, um, he--he's in jail!" Smooth move, Ex-Lax. |
Yeah, lady, if you LOVE HIM so much, how-come you haven't noticed he disappeared 12 miles ago? For that matter, if the circus folk don't know Bill's dead, who reported the murder to the authorities? Did a cop just find Bushland Bill's corspe on the side of the road, with a giant tusk sticking out of it? This is why Speed Saunders stories move so fast, so that you never have time to ask yourself such questions.
Luckily, Speed is a master of subtle deception, so I'm sure NO ONE will suspect Speed is shoveling them elephant poop.
Speed Saunders has met his match, and it's a KAREN. |
Are you sure that's not just a statue of Bushland Bill, lit dramatically from behind, Speed? |
I am sure that Speed's balloon in that panel is supposed to be a thought balloon, rather than a speech balloon. Because taken at face value, Speed is just shouting all that at a random guy he bumps into, who is completing ignoring him. I rather like this adventure, which seems to take place in a bizarro-world, where no one recognizes Speed, or they pretend not to see him, or they call him a liar to his face.
Crinoline. I think that's what's holding the skirt up. |
So Speed spies Rosita Who Wants To Talk With Your Manager talking to Joe, The Dead Man's Double. This circus must have quite the sideshow.
In fact, Joe is the Circus Strongman, and Speed suspects that Rosita had Joe, who may have the requisite strength, impale Bushland Bill with a mammoth tusk (for no known motive).
I dare you to explain the presence of the word "funny" in that speech. |
Tomorrow the action revs up when Joe tails Speed menacingly....
I'll try: Either "funny" is the name of Speed's gun or Speed finds it funny to shoot people. I'm not sure which explanation I prefer, though.
"Rosita Who Wants To Talk With Your Manger. . . ." On most days, I would assume that was a typo rather than a seasonally-specific pun.
Heh; it was, indeed, a typo.
I assume it's elliptic: "(it would be) funny if Rosita had..." The problem being, of course, that there would be absolutely nothing funny about that. Unless you are an Ace Investigator, I guess.
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