Boy, howdy. The list is long -- unimaginably long, really -- of Gotham City characters I would recommend, or even think of, bringing back before Nocturna. I have only made passing mention of my profound disgust for this obscure character once or twice here, but so thorough is my loathing that I have refused to give her any more screen time explain to condemn her in detail.
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Especially when there are other characters who truly DESERVE condemnation in detail. |
The version the show gives us here is scarcely recognizable. The name's the same and she is a pale-skinned creepy goth chick in cahoots with a brother named Anton. But this Natalia is a young girl and a vampire-but-it's-a-medical-condition-so-we-don't-call-her-that. The point of her storyline is that Batman's got a soft spot for kids. It's a valid character beat for Batman, of course, but I'm not sure we needed a whole episode for it.
The episode gives a big wink to a bunch of Robins we won't ever get to seen which is on the one hand cute and on the hand irksome. Thanks for reminding of us of... what you won't let us have?
The subplot of Harvey Dent's mayoral campaign really heats up in this episode. We learn that Harvey, even if he is full of himself, really IS trying to make Gotham City a better place by getting elected; he's just slowly compromising himself along the way. It makes his last-minute stand against corruption all the more impressive... and tragic.
The episode DID give us Bruce Wayne announcing that he's looking for some little girls backstage at the carnival and getting the snot beat out of him and throw into a ditch by some carnies as a result, which I found delightfully refreshing.
I believe this is the friend time we've seen Julie Madison, Bruce Wayne's Golden Age arm candy. Hm. It would be crazy to put her and an older Natalia, renamed "Tala" together for a Mad Monk episode, but certainly no crazier than a female Penguin, eh?
We also got to see Killer Croc at the carnival, so maybe there's some foreshadowing there. For some reason, I'd thought this version of Batman was going to steer clear of metahumans, but this episode clearly showed that's not the case. Also, the on-screen death actually shocked me, simply because it was so unusual in episodic animation.
Yes, I said, "Oh; he's... dead." I wasn't quite ready for it, either.
When I saw the title of this episode, my first thought was, “wonder if Scipio is watching this,” because the Absorbascon is the only place I remember *anyone* mentioning Nocturna. In a world in which the most obscure or laughable characters get their own tv shows, and the most awful characters and concepts get their own shows (or at least Easter egg references), it’s telling that no one has bothered to do anything with her until now.
- Mike Loughlin
LOL. Wow. The irony. The only person you've ever heard mention her is someone who couldn't stand her, and could barely stand to mention her even to SAY that.
". In a world in which the most obscure or laughable characters get their own tv shows, " Yeah. Sometimes I feel like I'm being hoaxed by Mxyzptlk: "and YOU will live on a world where PEACEMAKER has a hit show!"
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