"Um, yes, Jean, "Ray answered. "It was ... 'that man' who locked you, er, I mean, us in. I'll have the police take care him, don't worry.
"Now, just to be safe, I"m going to lock you in AGAIN, until a different man, a very nice one, in a nice white coat, comes to pick you up and take you somewhere safer... a nice, beautiful home in the countryside where you can wander, heavily sedated and supervised, through the gardens all day..."
Oh Ray, you really knew how to pick 'em. It's kind oF a shame really, that Jean is actually dead, instead of wreaking her particular form of mayhem across the DC universe.
Although I suppose that being eaten by a Megalodon is not just something you can easily come back from. Still, a good writer could find a way!
You know, DC could STILL have a special one-shot of all the people who were resurrected but somehow were lost in the shuffle.
Eaten by a Megalodon? I missed that part.
But maybe Kingdom Jean Loring could come looking for Ray.
But don't tell anyone.
Great to see you back, Scipio! I'm a little late, but that just gives me a month of posts to go through.
Of course, I have to wonder if "the gardens" Ray's referring to are a euphamism for Sue Dibny's brain.
- Mike Loughlin
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