Let's see...
Idiotic pun-based named with vague cultural reference? Check.
Shiny bits and extraneous techo-doo-dads on costume, with Kirbyesque stylings including unlikely headgear? Check.
Darkseid-lite homeworld, job, goals, opponents? Check.
Failure of repeated attempts by writers and editor to weave him into the overall fabric of the DCU? Check.
Mongul, enjoy Marvel.
You, too, Mongal!
I really need to see a picture of Mongal. That is such an awesome character concept. It's Mongul...
...in a skirt!
Sigh. Y'all are just determined to give away every minor character Alan Moore ever wrote in the main DCU, aren't you?
All I have to say is you better not be messing with Mogo...
[Now, Mongal, on the other hand, is beyond useless. Worse than Maxima, and that's saying something. And isn't the current Mongul actually the son over the original one?]
Come on! Mongal is this seasons Mongul
Nah, keep him on DC. He is the perfect Green Lantern Villain...
Somebody should make a nameday list for all these superheroes. We could fill our blogs with full of daily trash by repeating day's names time and again.
Mongul is a crappy Green Lantern villain.
On the other hand, Mongul is a great character and he shouldn't be regularly in the DCU you idiot.
He's one of the few DC characters that can give Superman a tumble.
You let him into the Marvel Universe there wouldn't be an MU left. He'd rebuild Warworld and leave the galaxy in ruins. There'd be barely anything left to feed Galactus. Honestly if Mongul appeared in the DCU more and was integrated any more properly.... that would mean a lot more deaths in DC. I mean holocausts worth. You send a bad-arse mofo like Mongul into Marvel...
Thanos' head on a pike...
Thanos' head on a pike...
Yeah, right. Surely the line of inheiritance is Kirby creates Darkseid, Stalin creates Thanos "inspired" by Darkseid and then (when Starlin moves to DC) creates Thanos-lite Mongul. Sure, send Mongul to Marvel- Thanos would solve that little over redundancy.
Aw I dunno...
Y'gotcher big purple square-headed Darkseid, looking to conquer the universe via abstruse mathematics; y'gotcher big even-more-purple square-headed Thanos, looking to conquer the universe via cosmic jewelery, and y'gotcher big yellow (to accentuate the contrast!) square-headed Mongul, looking to conquer the universe with, like, troops and weapons and stuff. Totally different concepts, doncha see? If you just give him some Cromwell boots and more cryptic dialogue, this Mongul could be as credible as ... as ... Darkseid's long-lost kid sidekick! Yes! That's what the world needs!
No doubt, the chap is totally fair.
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