but, honestly, you can't put up this kind of panel without expecting me to borrow it, can you? I'm -- just not that strong. Please forgive me, Ivory!!!

Yes, folks, that is indeed Hal Jordan getting his ass kicked by a dog, managing to land on his head, and then noting that the reason he gets hit on the head so often is to knock sense INTO in his head rather than being knocked senseless.
Well ... once you explain it that way, Hal, it makes perfect sense. To you, at least...
No need to beg forgiveness! I actually meant to show you that panel; I had a feeling you'd enjoy it.
very trippy. was just reading Green Lantern: Willworld. An entire graphic novel devoted to Hal getting hit on the head a bit too much.
I have to get that!
::sporfle:: I am reminded of Kilowog's comment that Hal was a great guy...he just needed to be pounded into the dirt occasionally.
PS: Willworld is more like an acid trip, than a headhitting thing.
Did Hal Jordan ever get beat up by ants? Flies? Moths (ala Killer Moth)?
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