Well, THAT'll make your spidersenses tingle, won't it?
I don't know the other fellow is (Vaselineman? Rubber Fist?), but he's now by far my favorite Marvel character. Glove-butt Spiderman totally needs to be a Unique in the next Heroclic set, along with little Miss Intimacy Gauntlet there...
Y'know what? Wertham was onto something.
It took me a moment to recognize him, but that's Sandman giving Spidey his prostate exam.
Sandman? Ouch. Grit and bear it!
I do hope this scene's in the movie...
Is that "Paste-pot Pete"?
So they finally gave Garth Ennis a Spider-Man MAX book, huh?
Nope, definitely Sandman. From his funky costume phase when he was part of the Frightful Four, I believe. So "Paste Pot Pete", aka Trapster, should be around somewhere too.
SGlad to see you got some use from the pics I sent. That is indeed Sandman. I think "EZ Glide" Eddie was one of the Frightful Four at that time. Looks like he loaded Spidey up pretty good...
PS: My verification word was "srwbjv" which should totally be the sound effect.
"Frightful Four"?
Art, are you sure that's what the "FF" stood for on their logo...?!
Sigh. The "Frightful Four" were the Sandman, Trapster (nee "Paste Pot Pete"), Medusa, and the "Wingless Wizard". I mean, when you have three loser villains kicking around, you team them up and use their misadventures to introduce a new character. As a team, they were Fantastic Four villains, but individually Sandman was previously seen in Spider-Man and Paste-Pot Pete in the Human Torch's solo adventures in Strange Tales.
I'm bigeekual, I guess.
Art, are you sure that's what the "FF" stood for on their logo...?!
"Bigeekual"? Heh
He is definitely the Sandman. That splash of yellow is not one of those funky balloons that pops up whenever someone gets hit, but sand exploding on contact with Spider Man.
Thanks. I now feel the need to wash my brain.
Obviously Spider-Man's weak point is his butt. All those bad guys have been wasting their time for all these years trying to hit him in the face.
Yikes, that's an awful costume ol' Sandy wore in his Frightful Four days. What's that strap over the top of his head for? Why would he ditch his off-da-hook green shirt with black stripes/brown slacks combo for THAT?
Why would he ditch his off-da-hook green shirt with black stripes/brown slacks combo for THAT?
It's a special suit the Wizard designed for him to help him utilize his powers better; to become as hard as granite, for example. (Okay, Scipio, run with that comment.....)
The Wizard appears first in the Human Torch's solo book as well, he also redesigned Paste-Pot Pete as the Trapster, so he was sort of a super villainous Blockade Boy. Now I think of it he designs Medusa's costume and revamps his own look to launch the Frightful Four. How did I never notice this before?
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