Mercy! Last night's Big Monkey party was a rockin' good time! In addition to the staff, there were 52 guests; what more could a DC fan ask? "Busboys & Poets" was a nice venue, with delicious food and fun special drinks for us, including "Big Monkeys" and "Secret Identities".
I was happy the "Dramatic Reading Contest" had full and avid participation! There was more drama in that room than in a Starman Archive Volume! The winning speech was one by the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths. The runner-up was the Penguin's "bowling pin" soliloquy from "Penguin Takes a Flyer -- to the Future!", and tying for third was an interpretation of the Purple Hood's incinerator speech from the Starman Archive and Mirage's "the time for pretense is over" scene from his second appearance.
Though I was emceeing, I still got to participate, providing the voice of menaced Doris Lee in the Mists's "Band of Living Shadows" scene!
There were a lot of people there and I was kind of busy, so if I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you, I apologize. But if you're a reader of this blog and showed up at the party, my thanks; and please pop over to the Big Monkey site and leave a comment about the party there for our digital scrapbook!
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