As a result, I followed up immediately on rumors I'd heard about someone doing a Shield knock-off. A Shield knock-off? Scandalous! Being his greatest and perhaps only fan, I resolved to unearth the truth, no matter how many chits I had to cash in to do so.
After just a few calls to some my industry insider friends, I got someone to sneak me an advance copy of an issue from some upstart pub house called "Timely" (thanks, Stan!). Timely, as well, is my intervention, since I intend to expose this group for their shameless usurpation of the Shield's schtick (phew; try to say that three times quickly).
So, the character, who acquired his superstrength and toughness from an obscure biochemical 'vita-ray' treatment (sound familiar, Shield-lovers?), is named "Captain America". Snort; like a name that hokey going to catch on. Is it too much to hope they're going to do something remotely cool with him?
Yikes; apparently it is too much to hope...

Okay, though; this is cool:

Bases replaced by tombstones? Very cool; very "Tales from the Crypt". Maybe this won't be too bad to read, after all. I wonder who the villain is...?
I bet Nekron only calls strikes.
I just assume this was during the game's "dead-ball" era.
So I guess that's Shoeless Joe Jackson sliding into third tombstone.
The Shield fought Archie. . .and lost.
Captain America fought the Red Skull. . .and won.
'Nuff said, True Believer!
You have my full attention.
Sounds like if you combined this story with the Greatest Super-Hero story ever told, you'd get exactly what a modern day DC version of DC Super Stars 10 would be like. Come to think of it, maybe Blackest Night will have a baseball game as the climax with Zombie Sportsmaster on the mound.
That is EXACTLY how Blackest Night should culminate, H.
Oooh, and zombie gorilla ballplayers, too!
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