Monday, December 25, 2006

Comments for Christmas

There are many things I want for Christmas. An announcement about Vibe: Sword of Detroit. A Chuma the Afrobot action figure. A crushed velvet cape.

But there's something I want that only you can give me. It's the same thing every blogger wants: comments.

If you've ever written a blog or anything like it, you know how much of yourself you put into it. Nothing is more depressing to a blogger than birthing a post that then receives no comments. Is it any wonder that so many bloggers throw in the towel when they get the sense of performing to an empty house?

A lot of people don't comment on past posts because they think the time to do so has passed. Not so at the Absorbascon, where the posts are truely timeless. I get notified of every comment made, regardless of whether the post is recent or not.

Below is list of posts I made that I poured my heart into (or, at least, took the time to type) that never got any comments. Boo hoo!

You can fix that by giving me... Comments for Christmas! Nice ones, if it's all possible. And this is the chance for all you hundreds of lurkers out there to reveal yourself and give me a shout!


  1. the real question is will the post about Christmas comments get no comment's,

    oh wait, i guess i just blew that one

  2. Yeah, you totally blew it.

    No, wait, if that was a meta-comment then it's OK. But that blows this comment out of the water.


    With all of the various Everyman heroes running around in Infinity Inc. Mk. II there should be room for a new Vibe to pop up for an issue, right? I mean, they gave us Ambush bug for an ish, so ANYTHING should be possible.

    Merry what-have-you!

  3. I dunno about this....

    I know how it feels to be the lone commenter on an Abrobascon post and it is a shameful world of coldness and isolation.

    Isn't it enough that people read and enjoy your work? Must you also urge them to send themselves willingly to the icy abyss of Comment Sibera as well?

    I tell you what, I'll make you a deal. Hit the link in my name to go to my blog, look down the sidebar for "Myra Breckenridge", hit that link and be the first person out of the 3000+ people who have viewed that page to comment on it and I shall gladly convict myself to your Comment Gulag in kind.

  4. "Isn't it enough that people read and enjoy your work?"


    "Must you also urge them to send themselves willingly to the icy abyss of Comment Sibera as well?"


  5. Aw, man....I didn't think you'd do it.

    Alright, I'll give you some comments, but don't hold me to any standards of quality or relevence....

  6. Slight link snafu: "The Unwilling Patsy" goes to the same post as "Cub Moron", and "Hawkgirl Entertains Herself", "Batman's Date Drug" and "Batman's Hat" all go to the same post.

  7. Thank you! Problems fixed.

  8. Way too many posts to choose from/comment on, so I'll just take this opportunity to un-lurk myself and say I've been loving on your blog for a while now. Happy Christmas!

  9. ahoy. i'm de-lurking, love the site :)

  10. Still one link problem left: Can'T access Batman roughs up Santa!

    Suprised to see some of these never got comments, especially the Hal Jordan Jerkathon, the sexy sexy Hawk posts and the dynastic centerpiece threads (which I've always loved and gone back to). Black Condor, well, I did my best.

    Hope you reciprocate on some of these, it's been a lonely Christmas and I'm out reading a lot more blogs than I should, comments and all.

  11. I guess I never thought of commenting. I'm a freeloader! I hang my head in shame.

  12. Okay, I fixed that Santa thing; you can now go see Batman roughing up Santa.

    Thanks for all the comments, everyone!

  13. *Lurk off!*

    You rock Scipio, and I...I am of the cowardly and superstitious lot...

    *Lurk on.*
