One way to counter my charge -- pfft, I mean "statement of the obvious" -- that cats are evil would be list the superheroic cats of the DCU.
Oh, yeah!

Before you ask, no, Streaky couldn't talk. As a Literary Necessity, Saturn Girl used to loan the Super-Pets the power of telepathic speech so they wouldn't just stare at one other, occasionally snorting, which makes for a boring story (but a pretty hot date).
Streaky seemed to spend most of his time in the 30th century, I guess because having an easily identifiable birthmark would make him a threat to Supergirl's secret identity. You can't see it hear, but when Streaky supered up ihe would wear a cape, which he put on by ... hey, how does a cat put on cape?
Anyway, Streaky did many wonderful things with his powers. Like...
Oh, yeah!
Beat the snot out of the Legion!

Yeah, Supergirl; "command" your cat. That'll help.
Remember, folks: cats are evil.
Are you drunk posting?
Aren't you gonna mention Wildcat?
But really, I have to believe that any legionnaires Streaky attacks had it coming. Maybe Brainiac 5 is in telepathic contact with him (her)? after all, he and Supergirl used to be .... close.
What kind of hairballs do you think a Kryptonian cat would cough up?
Um...yeah...that's why I'm a dog person.
WHIZZY is the 30th century decendant of Streaky and yes, WHIZZY is the amazing mutant telepath kitty who can mentally talk with people. Whizzy and Streaky do look a lot alike,though.
Even Supergirl gets them confused!
But hey, if you're the kind of person that would name ANY pet "Whizzy" or "Streaky"--
you KNOW you're askin' for trouble.
My cat is Whizzy. That's why we have to keep extra paper towels on hand.
I think Streaky's problem was that he was just jealous because Supergirl used to date her other super-pet...
Streaky's alive and well in Wisconsin!
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