In the blogoverse, I read a lot of support -- indeed, activism -- toward a more feminist geist in comic books. But, like most comic book criticism (or, for that matter, any kind of criticism) is naturally tends to focus on damning the negative instead of praising the positive.
That's one of the reasons I try to focus on the positive, on praising things I enjoy. I don't always succeed, of course, but in general I find it more fun to hype Vibe than damn Ram. My dislikes will always make themselves known; my likes, however, need and deserve my help.
Manhunter has Kate Spencer and Chase Cameron, two of superheroic comics most fully realized women -- or, more accurately, people who happen to be women. And wait till you see who shows up this week! If all those people who criticize the absence of strong female characters in superhero comics started buying Manhunter, DC might just take notice.
In my book, that's another reason to...
Buy Manhunter.
If my local comic book shop is sold out of Manhunter tomorrow, should I be happy or upset?
I'm all for a Drop Supergirl for Manhunter campaign!
How about, "angry you didn't subscribe to it?"
Because I guaranTEE this week's issue will sell out...
I got my first issue of Manhunter as a "regular pull list" comic, and I felt good. And then I read it, and I felt awesome.
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