By day, as a prosecutor she works to deprive criminals of the freedom and possibly their lives.
By night, as a vigilante she works to deprive criminals of their freedom and possibly their lives.
But she knows that there's a difference and it bothers her greatly; good for her. She really needs to meet Two-Face some day.

Buy Manhunter.
Whoa. I want to get this just so I can see how this scene between the two of them end. Looks intense.
I have to admit I only recently (this past week) rediscovered this book.
You are right. It is quite good.
Hell. Better than most superhero fare.
Don't get TOO excited; it's a dream sequence, fueled by her guilt.
As much as I hated the "super-vigilanteism" of the 90s, I'm coming to hate the "death is never the answer" message of comics in this decade just as much.
Batman's moralizing towards Manhunter and the Huntress might resonate a bit more if we didn't believe that the Joker was going to escape from Arkham yet again and murder yet more people.
Batman's refusal in IC #7 to kill Alexander Luthor, a guy responsible for the deaths of billions who was still highly dangerous, was perhaps the most egregious recent example of this phenomenon.
Now that Killer Moth is back, I hope one of those "monsters" she killed was Charaxes. Can't stand the guy. Hate him. Could someone clear this up for me?
All right, here's something that's been "bugging" me, hopefully someobdy can help. I know from what I've read here and other places that Killer Moth was originally intended to be the anti-Batman, a costumed guy who aided villains. One thing that's always pointed out in his bio is that KM had similar equipment to Batman, and one of the things always mentioned is that he had a Moth Signal. My question is, who had and used the Moth Signal? Obviously the police used the Bat Signal to call Batman (as they had no other way to do so) but did Killer Moth distribute Moth signals to every criminal in Gotham? Or what?
The Moth Signal was only available to those criminals who "subscribed" to Killer Moth's "protection" service. I'm guessing there wasn't a money-back guarantee...
Manhunter is a really good book... period. I'd suggest reading it before criticizing.
Sorry but it's still not doing anything for me.
Charaxes was torn in half by SB-Prime in Infinite Crisis #7.
So the guy Robin beat the crap out of a few issues back must be a new guy.
Or, y'know...
(Is that getting less funny?)
I tell you one thing, I wish I had the Superboy-Punch power. Wrong Powerball numbers? Punch! Right Powerball numbers! Brett Ratner directs X3? Punch! Whedon directs X3!
Now, that's a good thing!
While still discussing Killer Moth, is it possible the "new" guy is Cameron Van Cleer,the "old" Killer Moth, while Drury Walker just thought he was Killer Moth?
Steel, I think you may be on to something.
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