Friday, August 12, 2005

Faintly Faint-Making

I wasn't sure plastic could contain the DRAMA that is the Golden Age Starman, yet here it is in my hands.

Can you IMAGINE it, what DRAMAS will unfold on my Heroclix table now that my custom Starman is present? Could you stand the clashes that would ensue should I be brave enough to commission ....

The Light? The Infuriated Vurm? Dr. Doog? The Green Arab? The Purple-Turbaned Nameless Underling? The MIST?!!??!!

In the immortal words of Ted Knight,

"Assist me to the couch! I think I'm going to faint!"


  1. Looks great! What dial did you use?

  2. Scipio chose the veteran Stargirl dial for this one!

  3. Yes, I couldn't think of a better dial to represent him. Besides that dial is just too powerful for Courtney!

  4. Why? Because she's A GIRL!!?!?!?

    Sorry, it's been a long week.

  5. Yeah, pretty much.

    And by that I mean, she's very young and not very experienced and yet her V dial is VERY powerful.

  6. I'd go along with Scipio on that. I mean, in "DC time" Cortney has had the costume, what, two, three years? And Ted's super-cosmic rod six months tops? At best she should be at the level that Starman was at in All-Star Squadron Annual #3.

  7. Speaking of Nameless Underlings, when is WizKids going to come out with D-List HeroClix?

  8. when is WizKids going to come out with D-List HeroClix?

    You mean a Kathy Griffin HeroClix??
