And you know why you aren't Bruce Wayne?
It's not because you're not a polybillionaire. Or an Olympic-level athlete and the world's greatest fighter. Or the world's greatest detective or multidisciplinary scientific genius .
You are not Bruce Wayne because of this.
If you were falsely imprisoned for murder, and the only person who could prove your innocence was, well, you, you would whine and cry and sob.
And most certainly you would not casually express your situation ...
in haiku.

I've got to prove I'minnocent--what's that noise there?The stone--sliding out--
What haiku can you compose to celebrate the coolness that is haiku-spouting Prisoner Wayne?
Bruce Wayne's guest post at Four words:
"Watch your parents die."
Ah, haiku tuesday. So good to have you back, man.
Welcome back. The internet has become a little less dark.
Could it be a Dream?
Imaginary story?
Welcome back, old chum.
Each new locked room is
An opportunity for
Actually, I goofed that up, I think. Maybe better:
"Each locked room is a
New opportunity for
There. Don't know why that was bugging me, but it was.
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