"Sir, sir! Since the television show fell through, how've you been keeping yourself busy?"

"Well, now that you have so much free time on your hands, have you had the chance to read Sword of Atlantis at all?"

"I've heard that your absence from your own book, your appearances in Justice, and the buzz about you in other media has sparked readers' demand for your return. Have you yourself noticed?"

"It's been noted that despite having been killed and replaced, your old JLA buddies Ollie Queen and Hal Jordan have both come back..."

"Care to comment on the rumors that you're planning a comeback of some sort with your agent?"

"Would you want Kurt Busiek, who's been doing such wonderful work on Superman, to continue writing the book if you return?"

"Sorry, sir; forget I asked."

This may be the first "break-in"/"Flying Saucer" blog post I've ever seen. Genius. Thank you.
"Say, Mr. Jaws, how do you feel about eating that Captain Quinn?"
Once again, Scipio, you knock down the house. Slow clap, sir. Slow clap, Mr. President. Amen to that, sir.
""break-in"/"Flying Saucer""
Hmm...if I understood that reference, I bet I'd be even MORE flattered!
""Say, Mr. Jaws.."
I remember that one ... clearly!
The one I heard first was "The Hundred-Mile Long Gas Line." Fun stuff, man.
Mr. Scipio, Mssrs Wolk and Plok refer to the "break-in" style of novelty song pioneered by Bill Buchanan & Dickie Goodman.
The "break-in" usually involves a reporter questioning a subject and getting a response done with a sound clip from another popular song.
Reporter: "How are you doing, Mr. Martian Invader?"
Alien: "I feel good!" (sample from James Brown)
There have been dozens, if not hundreds, of novelty songs in that vein, and they were regular staples on Dr. Demento's radio show. The first ones were cute (given that they were mostly sci-fi/horror related), but man, do they get old quick.
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