Either way, it fits. It's Hal defiant. "I'm superpowerless, except from the waist down, baby." "I'm still a man, Scipio, no matter how many pictures of me getting hurt you post!"
It's kind of a turn-on, actually.
If you'll excuse me, I need to find that livejournal with the Doctored Male Objectification covers again.
It's yellow - he can't be using his ring to mess with the site.
Look out! He's about to be head-clobbered by a "Recommended" sign!
Well, Kyle fixed the yellow weakness.
Either way, it fits. It's Hal defiant. "I'm superpowerless, except from the waist down, baby." "I'm still a man, Scipio, no matter how many pictures of me getting hurt you post!"
It's kind of a turn-on, actually.
If you'll excuse me, I need to find that livejournal with the Doctored Male Objectification covers again.
You've been robbed.
[giggle] I knew you'd get a kick out of that...
I'm thinking the site is sentient and trying to escalate the Absorbascon Jordan Wars. If it gets rid of you it ceases being a doppelganger…
Be wary, friend, Scipio. Be wary.
The author is absolutely right, and there is no question.
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