Let's see how long we can avoid talking about the elephant in the living room of this particular cover, shall we?
Um, that portal emergence of the Shields is kind of interesting; is he supposed to be hiding in a sarcophagus?
Love that silver-garbed chippie in the background, who seem to be evoking some sort of Venus from the sea motif.
Also I note the dress of the assistants--
He's shoving a red hot poker at her v'jayjay for crying out loud!!!
A red hot poker? Nonsense, they're just...it's probably a ski pole, and they are all about to hit the slopes, which in Egypt, would probably be the side of a pyramid.
Aw heck, it's a red-hot poker. Git 'em Shield!
Seems like the artist was a fan of pulp magazine covers. Do you know that those covers were so "lurid" that, at one point, New York City mayor LaGuardia ordered the sanitation department to rip them off the newsstands?
You forgot to mention the fact that her dress is sexily slipping off her shoulder.
But I can understand why you might be distracted by other things...
I was distracted. I mean...
that silver lame dress is fabulous!
Is the Silver Priestess holding a riding crop? Or did Princess Taia "borrow" the Ibis-Stick and cross over into the MLJ Universe for a little old-school Egyptian revelry?
Also, I think from the angle of the branding-iron, the sadist-in-chief is planning an upward thrust to sear the victim's ivory globes. That would be very much in keeping with the pulp art tradition cited by the learned Dr. Totaltoyz.
That's what they WANT you to think, Steve...!
It could just be me but what really stood out on that cover to me was that he appears to be charging out of a closet.
That would be very much in keeping with the pulp art tradition cited by the learned Dr. Totaltoyz.
I would point out that my degree is strictly honorary. (At one university in Ohio you actually can get a degree in Popular Culture, but I didn't know that when I was selecting colleges.)
I wanted to major in "Ancient Egyptian Sacrificial Rituals and Branding Ceremonies," but for some reason, I couldn't find it listed in any college's curriculum.
Did you try Emory University in Atlanta?
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