" Anonymous said...
I prefered this blog when you found the fun in things you liked, now you just seem to snipe at things you don't. "
I could say the same about you, Anonymous. I preferred this blog when you found the fun in things you liked; now you just seem to snipe at things you don't.
It seems that it is no longer possible for me to post on this blog without some commenter, often an anonymous one, telling me "that's not funny" or "I used to like you better when". I can't even put up an innocent post about the foibles of Aqualad.
That's very emotionally draining to me. Unless you have spent the kind of time and effort that a blogger does to post daily (or nearly so), you can't imagine how unmotivating it is to be heckled nearly daily. Some may be clapping for you, but it still stings just as hard when the tomato hits you.
I'm not sure why people do this. If I don't care for a blog or it no longer interests me, I simply stop reading it. If you wish bloggers to post particular types of things, praise them lavishly when they do. Dissing them when what they post doesn't tickle your particular fancy that day serves only to move them one step closer to quitting.
Which I am. I am walking away from this blog for one month. I'll return in one month at which point I'll decide whether I want to start it up again or not. That should give those who don't like what I post time to break the habit of showing up daily to tell me so; they can move on to ruin someone else's enjoyment of another blog. Perhaps they can also ponder why there are fewer and fewer blogs left for them to criticize.
I am not tired, nor have I run out of things to say. There are so many things I wanted to discuss with you. DC's Heracles versus Marvel's Hercules versus the original Herakles. Groovy Chick Month. The Parade of Temporal Villains. The Big Three as Parental Figures. One-Hit Wonders Who Deserve a Second Shot, and Why.
I hope we can discuss them later.

That is a real shame, Scip. The Absorbascon has quickly become one of my very favorite blogs, and I'll certainly miss it.
Let me say this: I am very negative about people being negative about blogs being negative.
I don't think poking fun at Aqualad (or Halo or anything else) is negativism at all. It's a reverred Geek Tradition to pick apart, lambast and roast the very thing we love.
I'm hoping you can't stay away that long, and just like with Seven Hells, I'll be clicking by every day just in case.
I will be, too.
Nooooo! Dont go, we love you!
Now where can i get my hands on one of those Vibe figures!?!?
Gonna be a long month... I hope you return refreshed.
Count me in on joining the Checking-In-Everyday-Just-In-Case club.
I hate that I'm going to have to wait for Groovy Chick Month. I can just see the oversized round sunglasses as I type this.
I too will be back in a month (and probably checking just in case every few days.)
thats a shame, but i understand. hope you return.
that Vibe picture makes me sad, and i'm someone who laughed during JLA #258.
Please don't!
Damn it all.
I'll miss you Scip. You brought me my daily dose of wonderment and magic in comics in an age of dark, gritty cynicsm.
See you in a month, and I'll be counting the days!
Count me among those who hope to see you back. I really like your blog. I don't ALWAYS get your sense of humor, but I enjoy the blog anyway. :)
Come back. PLEASE. Frankly, you got me to enjoy comics again and be more discriminating in my enjoyment. You're smart and funny and always providing some merriment.
And to those who would snipe at Scip, I would say that you need to get out of the basement and get some vitamin D. Life's too short and important to be bitching about anything happening on the Internet. I feel sorry for you if you need to feel big by tearing others down.
I'll be checking here everyday, out of habit, and to hope you post something. This was the first comics blog I ever started checking, and I absolutely love it. You made me love Vibe, use your various Heroclix ideas in my own games (I use those fish all the time), and made me realize how fun comics can be.
You are a lighthouse in the dark sea of blogging (that's really cheesy but whatever), talking about what you love when almost everyone talks about what they hate. That's why people make rude comments about your posts, they're so miserable and they have to let out their anger at others.
Be back soon Scipio.
I am firmly in the camp that enjoys the blog.
Sad news, Scipio. You're blog is the first one I check everyday. That might be because it starts with A, but it could also be because it's my favorite. Come back early!
I'll never understand why some people do things like that. Makes me think of people who "stopped reading comics years ago because they all suck now" yet seem to be posting in every thread on a comic book message boards (to tell you why they don't read them anymore.)
I for one enjoy The Absorbascon immensely and hope you come back refreshed.
Just spitballin' here, but is it possible to rejigger your comments to disallow anonymous posts? I think that might go a long way towards making people think twice about posting overtly negative comments. True, I see a bunch of positive anonymous posts in this thread already, but I don't think it's unfair to require that people identify themselves before they make their opinions known.
As a person who reads your posts daily, and enjoys them, I hope you come back soon. I know it must be a grind to sift through the negative ones but don't let that disrupt a great blog.
Darn it.
I'm sorry I haven't commented on your blog more often, to say more positive things. Please don't let one or two jerks ruin your day.
The Absorbascon is first on my list of blogs I visit daily. Always has been. Don't let the "whiney-haters" (as Flaming Carrot would call them) get you down, Scip. Enjoy your time off (though we won't, lol!), but you better be back!
It's hard to put your time, effort, devotion, and yes love into something like this. It's even worse when some folks then take knee-jerk shots at it with some misinformed anonymous comments.
Sounds like stepping away for a bit may be just the right thing to do. Hopefully you'll come back refreshed and re-energized, and with even more material.
A lot of folks will be waiting for your return.
yeah, boooo, if you disagree with what the blogger says, then that is one thing, but if you just dont like the blogger or all of his writing style, go away and dont leave nasty messages portraying what a dick you are.
Also, come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Till then...
Enjoy your break :) I for one love your blog, so I too will be checking this month "just in case".
F- them! You are one of the best bloggers out there! I'm your biggest fan, and I haven't even met you! Don't stop writing....you are too funny and gifted to let one a-hole stop you.
Well, I usually come here once or twice a day & enjoy it a lot. Even if I do not get the joke. Or find it of less interest to me. So what? It's your blog, do what thou wilt. It's not as if you get paid for it.
I enjoy the blog! Don't let a few anonymous nay sayers chase you away! Obviously there is a silent majority who enjoy your daily posts here!
Boo hoo. Maybe you should retitle it The Self-absorbacon.
Meanness is in the eye of the beholder Marionette. For instance, I find your comment, hitting a blogger when he's down, more mean-spirited than any light-hearted joke that Scip has ever made.
I find Scip's work clever, funny and revealing of the both the foibles and fabulousness of comics, their creators, and their readers. Satire and humour isn't meant to be polite. Even when I've disagreed with Scip, I've enjoyed having the mirror held up to me and shown that the Emperor Has No Fashion Sense.
I've enjoyed both Scip's blog and his friendship immensely and it saddens me to see him and his wonderful work driven off by people and petty comments like yours. It's incredibly selfish of you.
So here's a thought for you. To reiterate Scip's words, if you don't like what he writes, perhaps you shouldn't read it. Not everything is for everyone, nor should it be.
For my part, debate and discussion are fine. Sniping and defensive snark that can't be backed up in any meaningful way? The mark of someone unwilling to engage in complex thought or live an unexamined life.
I'm surprised and disappointed that you're responding to the criticism this way. I'm firmly in the "enjoys your blog" category, and I'll probably be back to read it in a month, but you shouldn't be running away from a little controversy and a few jerk commenters if you want to have a funny blog and post on controversial subjects.
That's a Marvel thing to do -- don't be Marvelly, please. You rock far too much for that.
Anyone who doesn't like your blog is a defective who, in a perfect world, would be dissolved in a bath of enzymes and then used to fertilize crops. They are not worth your consideration.
That said, if you feel the need to take a break, come back healthy and rested. And kick the Cyborg Scipio's butt when you return.
Aw, but Ariel, if I can't kick him when he's down, when can I kick him?
In fact I deleted my post before yours was even published. I haven't read this blog since Scipio was so nasty to me, and anyone who was okay with his behaviour then is not going to see my side of it now.
I hear about stuff he does, like the snippy comment he made about me in a comment on Devon's blog, because people tell me about it. If he is now feeling the way he made me feel a few weeks ago then maybe there is a tiny, tiny chance he will think twice before he does it to someone else.
Have a nice month. And when it's over, remember: your choices aren't limited to 'blog every day' and 'don't blog'. You can post as often or as seldom as you want, because (say it with me, everyone) you are not getting paid for this.
I love this blog. I check it daily.
But some thoughts.
I think there's a sweet spot between a blogger's motivations to share whatever is on his or her mind and the motivation of readers to engage with it.
If you're blogging, at some level, it's because you do care what people think: you want to entertain, to delight, to puzzle, to confront, to mobilize. If it was entirely about personal, private thoughts, you'd keep them personal and private.
If you read a blog, and you simply don't share the interests and values of the blogger, I agree: why hang around? Split. There are other things to do with your time.
But at the same time, I don't think most bloggers should expect that all of their readers will be 100% delighted and happy with 100% of the entries. If that's the condition you lay on your readers, you're not looking for readers, you're looking for sheep. I know I want to hear about it when people disagree with me. In fact, one thing I really hate are blogs where the expectation is that the entire audience be cheerleaders for the blogger.
David Campbell and Chris Sims don't tend to actively poke or provoke at the comics-reading audience in the same way, and even they sometimes end up with some relatively rollicking, disagreement-laden threads. That's all to the good.
It's especially good when one sets out to needle or provoke. I'm just not clear what you expect when you put something a bit provocative here, or that pokes at a sore spot among some of your readers. I find the Rolling Head of Pantha stuff funny up to a point, but at the same time, I don't really enjoy the way that Geoff Johns thinks that the best way to tell an updated Justice Society story is to have neo-Nazis graphically eviscerate picnickers. I think that's aesthetically inconsistent with some of what DC seems to want to strive for, and it's inconsistent with what I understand a lot of their characters and universe to embody. You want to cheerlead for the current era, in contrast. That's great. I like that. Keep doing it.
Just don't be surprised, when you do, that people disagree--and that the way you put forth your views conditions the nature of the response, whether it's on the Rolling Head of Pantha or feminism in comics.
If you start a post saying, "Look, I don't agree with the notion that'depowering' female comics characters has anything to do with gender", you'll probably get a much gentler reply than if you do the rhetorical equivalent of rolling your eyes derisively. If you don't care about getting the gentle reply, or you enjoy poking anthills with sticks (there's something to be said for it), that's fine.
But here you seem to me to be wanting to have your cake and eat it too--to poke anthills and then be upset that some ants took exception to the poking.
Thanks a lot, Anonymous, you douchebag.
Scip, you rock. Don't give up on the bloggin'.
Besides, if you quit, Vibe will NEVER come back. You're the driving force, man.
PLEASE come back soon. I find your blog to be just about the funniest thing I read online.
Oh, please don't forbid anonymous commments. The only reason I post anonymously is that I don't have time or inclination to start a blog of my own, and thus can't post as anything but anonymous.
Shane! Come back, Shane!
First you leave my neighborhood, now you walk away from the blogverse -
we miss you already... :(
What Timothy said.
I've been trying to think of something to add for five minutes, but he really says everything I can think of saying.
Don't poke cake with sticks.
Have a good break, Scipio! I hope we see you back posting at the Absorbascon soon!
It was, however, awfully mean of you to tease the Heracles/Hercules/Herakles comparitive post like that. I'd really like to read it. :-)
No! You're one of my few daily reads...Can't wait to read those ideas you mentioned.
Have a good break, anyway...I know what it's like to get burnt out on something like this from time to time. Come back kickin' a.
Gerry, I don't have a blogger account and I have no problem posting with my name attached. I just choose Other rather than Anonymous. Although I do have a blog, I am not required to link to it (although I do anyway because I'm a total hitwhore) and could choose to just leave my name and nothing else if I wanted to.
Our host has frequently made the analogy of his blog being like his home. Would it be fair to allow strangers who refuse to identify themselves into your home? I just think attaching your name (be it earthbound or net based) to a comment is common courtesy and a sign that you are willing to stand behind what you have said.
"Our host has frequently made the analogy of his blog being like his home. Would it be fair to allow strangers who refuse to identify themselves into your home? I just think attaching your name (be it earthbound or net based) to a comment is common courtesy and a sign that you are willing to stand behind what you have said."
Well put, except not. Scipio can liken his blog to a small piece of cheese, but it still won't cook well with macaroni. You can liken a Livejournal to your home because you can limit access to who can see it to your friends. This blog is more like a worldwide broadcast than anyone's living room.
Be that as it may, Scip can still decide who can and can't "broadcast" from his site in the comments section.
I decided a year ago to disallow anonymous comments on my blog -- I haven't regretted it once.
People used to complain when Woody Allen moved away from his earlier comedic work, too, and he's done alright for himself (questionable relations with former stepdaughters aside).
Irrelevant comment: the appropriate caption for that picture is obviously "VIBE . . . NO MORE!" It needs a trash can and an alley photoshopped in, though.
The funny thing is that even though this criticism is enough to put you off blogging, you still aren't actually listening to it.
Even the comment that seems to have been the final straw - you don't engage it. You don't think to yourself "hmm, have I been a little overcritical lately? Was that attack on feminist comic fans a bit much?" No, you just throw it back with "No, I'm not the overcritical one, you are!"
You then go on to say you aren't sure why people do this. Almost every post is telling you why. You're just not listening. If people say they think you are overdoing the snide comments recently, that's probably what they mean. They are not saying this to hurt you, they are saying this to let you know that they prefer you to be writing about things you like instead of putting down the things you don't.
Generally these are people who have enjoyed your work in the past and would like to enjoy what you do now. They stick around because they hope to see a return to the kind of posts they enjoyed. And yet you attack anyone who tries to express this and say how mean they are.
You are not slow to give criticism. It's time you learned how to accept some.
Even the comment that seems to have been the final straw - you don't engage it. You don't think to yourself "hmm, have I been a little overcritical lately? Was that attack on feminist comic fans a bit much?" No, you just throw it back with "No, I'm not the overcritical one, you are!"
Since the Aqualad/Supergirl post was obviously a joke... in fact the latest in a running gag... and the anonymous poster simply didn't bother itself (no name = no identity = no gender) with clicking on Scipio's handy links to his earlier entries that that help explain the joke, then why is it Scipio's responsibility to engage the idiot's nonsensical criticism?
Anyone taking the time to tell the Absorbascon how to do his job is already missing the point. I do not blame him for walking away.
Blogging is a largely thankless enterprise (note the lack of blinky ads, etc... on the site which would indicate cashflow). Telling a blogger they aren't funny any more and to be more funnier may be the stupidest, most juvenile act one can toss a blogger's way.
Instead of giving him the beat down, how about spending those twenty seconds you spent making nasty comments to encourage him a bit and ask him to come back when he's feeling refreshed?
Daily blogging, scanning, etc... is time consuming, and (unlike crying like a six year old) takes effort. Unpaid effort.
You people amaze me. No wonder people with better things to do walk away from comics.
Well, I was always taught that if you don't have anything nice to say ...
Personally, I felt the Absorbascon had a slightly bitter edge ever since the infamous "women can't be master villains" debate. But whenever I found Scipio's posts disagreeable or uninteresting, I simply stopped reading for awhile.
I never felt he needed a personal critique from my corner, since I'm sure he'd find something objectionable or disinteresting on my blog if he stopped by.
I do hope he returns in a month or so. Scipio is a distinctive voice in the blogosphere and it'd be a shame if he disappeared.
Ha! 52!
Eeep. I can't believe I wrote "disinteresting." Now I can add illiterate to my accomplishments.
Anyway, enjoy your break Scipio.
I hope reading all the praise you're getting in these comments will convince you to come back before your month break is over. I for one consider the absorbascon essential reading for any fan of comic books, or even pop culture. This is one of the most intelligent, clever, witty blogs on the internet (of course as opposed to the blogs that are elsewhere). What the hell am I suppose to read when you're gone? You're older posts only can fill so many days! Scip, come back, we need you!
And I for one, like some other posters here, would love to see that Hercules post.
I'm beginning to feel like a curse...every time I discover a truly funny and insightful comics related blog (and one written by a gay man too), the blogger goes on hiatus due to the haters.
Damn damn damn.
As a regular reader of this blog, I will miss ya Scip. But heck, I understand why you might want to take some time off. It's all good. Relax. Enjoy life. We'll be waiting here to read your stuff when you come back. I appreciate all the great posts that you have made, and even when I didn't enjoy 'em as much, I didn't bitch about it. Heck, it's better than I could do. So Godspeed Scip, Godspeed.
I just wanted to say I've enjoyed your blog for quite a while now. I've never felt the need to comment before, and I have passively been entertained by your commentary. I've especially enjoyed "things that made me happy this week"...blogs and message boards are so often filled with what people didn't like. Here was a refereshing change. Your comments always made me curious and eager to get to the store to get my fix, to see what you were writing about, and i almost always agreed with the things you liked.
Anyway, my apologies for not commenting previously, and I do hope that we see you again at the end of your sabbatical. Your work is appreciated by more people than you know, and I encourage anybody who's stopped here and had a smile, to add a comment letting you know.
It may not change the ill will the haters have generated, but it's the least we silent readers can do in return for the work you've done.
Thank you sir, and best of luck to you!
Okay, everyone -- dogpile on Xanadude!
"Blogging is a largely thankless enterprise (note the lack of blinky ads, etc... on the site which would indicate cashflow)."
Dude, he runs a comic store. This is the advertising.
"Telling a blogger they aren't funny any more and to be more funnier may be the stupidest, most juvenile act one can toss a blogger's way."
Nah, I can think of way more juvenile stuff than that.
To the Anonymous who says it's time Scipio learned to accept criticism: with all due respect, I think it's time you learned to mind your business. Scipio is not your child or student, and it's not your job to socialize him.
Has no one told you that?
So now we're going just have three for cake?
Scipio's love of cheese cake is the only reason I made any!
Frownsville :(
I've noticed that many of my favorite fan-related things on the internet have been ruined by anonymous chumps that snipe in secret, backstab from the shadows and other things things that gutless jerks do for fun or profit.
I just found this blog about a week ago and have enjoyed the hell out of it since. I enjoyed it because it looks like it was created by someone that was having fun. Now that it's become un-fun, I hope that the break helps you to recharge, come back and have fun. Not just for the readers, but for yourself. Sorry for the rambling and the Hokey McSappyness of this message.
So now we're going just have three for cake?
Scipio's love of cheese cake is the only reason I made any!
I would have some, but that cake's been lying around for about a week now, right? :b
Anyway, have a great break, Scipio. The Absorbascon was the first comics blog I stumbled across, and it's been one of my favorites ever since. I have a file on Microsoft Word that has links to my favorite posts from various comic blogs: most of them are links to Absorbascon posts.
I'm sorry if I took some of the lighthearted posts too seriously; maybe my reply in the Superman/Jimmy Odd-Couple post used up all the humor in me ;)
See you in a month, I hope!
This is so sad because I absolutely love your blog. I totally know what you mean about commenters like that making you want to just quit, but I seriously hope you don't. Your blog IS fun, whether it be your thoughtfully provocative entries, your whimsical nostalgic entries, your great choices for quotes in your weekly poll, or your love of the Red Bee. Come back to us, Scipio!
Come back soon Scipio! Don't make us get all Rankin and Bass on you, cause we'll sing Blue Christmas if we have to.
I've taken longer stretches than a month off from blogging when I found it demoralizing, so I sympathize. But you'll be missed, and I hope you come back soon!
You can't! Come back!
Scipio, please don't hand up your keyboard just yet-
You're well on your way to becoming the second most famous Scipio in history, and you didn't even have to fight in the Punic Wars!
If you give up now, Scipio Africanus will ALWAYS be ahead. And I think he's been the champ long enough.
Enjoy your respite
The only drama that counts
Belongs to Starman
Three things:
1) Sorry to see you go, Mr. Garling (have I commented on your blog enough to call you by your first name?). Your blog has been at the top of my Favourites folder since I started reading comics blogs. I will be among those who will be checking in daily "just in case".
2) I get why you're doing this. Anyone who tried to simply start a blog knows how demoralizing it can be to see that horrible "0 comments" message at the bottom of their posts. It isn't hard to imagine how awful it would feel to get snippy, unwarranted attacks instead or appreciative comments or meaningful discussion.
3) You really can't just turn off the Anonymous Commenting. I mean, you can, but that would force anyone who wished to comment to get a Blogger account. Not terribly difficult, of course, but you can't turn off Anonymous Commenting and still allow people to use the Other option to comment, as suggested above.
I hope you don't stay away for long. You're the first/top comic blog I read everyday.
Thank you for all the great posts. You are the most thoughtful, knowledgeable, and consistently funny without ever being cheap blogger I read. I hope you enjoy the peace of hiatus, but please make it a week--not a whole month!
We can deal with a "world without Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, but not without heroes" like you.
Thanks and return soon!
I'm going to jump in with all the others here and say the same two things they are.
1) Please don't go. Don't let the idiots drive you away. I'll be checking back regularly to see if you hear us and come back.
2) Enjoy your time off. If the stress is too much, take your time and relax. You deserve it.
Ever since my brother David introduced me to your Blog, I've been checking it daily, rereading your old posts... Basicaly milking your work for all that it's worth. You've got a brilliant, irreverant view of comics, carried around with a general tounge-in-cheek feeling of amusement. It's obvious that you love your subject mater just as much as you love to poke fun at it.
I don't understand what the varried attacking posters seem to be thinking, other than trying to take out personal issues against your work, somthing completely unrelated. Don't listen to them. Remember we all love to read what you write, and most of us are so ignorant of the politics so as not to care.
Hope to see you before a month is out, but if we don't... Have a happy month of March, and we'll see you in April.
Mr. Scip,
While I understand and respect your choice, you're letting the 'holes win.
Don't let the 'holes win. Please.
I'm having trouble posting here today, for some reason.
Anyway, Scip, don't go away. Lots of people love you. Instead, let's pretend you go away, but you DON'T, and we'll call it One Month Later.
Aw, Scipio and Vibe, don't pout! You're better than that!
You've already got a great comics blog. What, you want universal love, too?
To create something and put it out for public view means you WILL be criticized. Sure, the naysayers can be dispiriting, and make you want to throw up your hands, and find something less taxing to do with your time. It's an understandable reaction. As you point out, many DO let it defeat them. But as a fan of your blog, may I say that I hope for more from my heroes.
The Absorbascon was the first comics blog I discovered; lucky me. As someone returning to comics after a drought, I knew almost nothing about the DC Universe. Working my way through your archives, I learned about the Dynastic Centerpiece, the Rungs of Villainy, the comedic foibles of Hal Jordan, the differences between DC and Marvel, which superheroes can dance, and why I should live in fear and awe of Dr. Domino. When Egg Fu popped up in 52, I was prepared... because I read the Absorbascon!
But saying, essentially, "I never expected to be criticized on the INTERNET," comes off as a little naive. You seem to be suggesting that it is out of your hands whether you continue, that it's up to whether negative jerks continue to be themselves. That reminds me...
From your April 5, 2005 post:
"Marvel's message? You better be tough, because you're going to have to suffer many things in this world that you're not responsible for and can't improve."
"DC's message? You are responsible for protecting and improving yourself and society, so toughen up for that responsiblity. ...I know which I prefer."
I'm not saying it's your responsibility to supply us with a daily dose of comics enlightenment and/or fun -- it's our privilege. But don't act like the only way you can continue is if everybody agrees not to criticize you in comments. That's just not going to happen. I will say that I will post more positive comments when I enjoy a piece, if that will give you the strength to go on.
Hope to hear from you soon.
'It seems that it is no longer possible for me to post on this blog without some commenter, often an anonymous one, telling me "that's not funny" or "I used to like you better when".'
Boy, do I know that feeling..!
Scipio, come back tanned, rested and ready... we need your snark in the world. Actually, we need all the snark we can get with two more years of Bush.
Well, how the hell is anyone supposed to follow that, Mr. Byrne?
Nevertheless, I'll try:
Scipio, you must return after one month, and stay for good, and I'll tell you why. Not because the terrorists will win if you don't, which they will. Not because your posts are brilliant, which they are. Not because we'll all miss you terribly if you go, which it rather goes without saying. But for this simple fact:
You're the only WITTY comics blogger.
And that means you're in very unusually short supply.
Just adding to the general chorus.
Always enjoyed your funny and attractive blog. An idiosyncratic and refreshingly sharp voice in a sea of banality and pendantry. I even find the heroclix posts funny and you don't want to know my opinion of grown men playing with bits of plastic.
Your final post shows signs of disenchantment and fatigue.
Everybody deserves a rest and I look forward to your revitalised return, whenever that may be.
I'm a daily reader of your blog although have never felt the need to comment. I wish I had now to tell you how much I enjoy Absorbascon. I am always appreciative of the work that you put in that shows a great knowledge and interest in comics. What impresses me most is your humour, I don't think I have ever laughed out loud at anything on the internet ever until I read your blog.
I look forward to your return in a months time. Don't take the critics to heart too much, I am sure there are many more like me out there who are quietly laughing along with you.
Even though it's tiring to watch you get heckled, blog updates here will be sorely missed. I'll still check back daily in case you change your mind. Still, enjoy the break.
"Instead, let's pretend you go away, but you DON'T, and we'll call it One Month Later."
Seriously, best idea ever! Scipio, I love your blog, it's the first thing I look at when I get into work in the morning...I understand where you're coming from, but you're intelligence and humor will be sorely missed...
I'll be checking in every day...just in case...
Well this sucks. I come home from vacation and the whole world has gone to hell. Because, like, 90% of my world is reading this blog.
I guess I'll take this time to read your archives. I'm sure there's lots of stuff I've missed.
But what about the weekly comic quote polls?! The things that make you happy each week?! I need these things!
Yeah, it's not entirely your fault but sorry I don't think I can live in a world where someone as abusive as cipio is called a hero.
Scipio, please don't hand up your keyboard just yet-
You're well on your way to becoming the second most famous Scipio in history, and you didn't even have to fight in the Punic Wars!
There was a baseball player named Scipio Spinx who is probably in second place.
You're the only WITTY comics blogger.
Geez, do you really think so? I mean, yes, Scipio is witty, but the only one? That can't be right.
Excerpted from "It's a Wonderful Blog"
Skippy O'Garling: But -- but wait, why is everyone reading X-Men and discussing the nuances of the Rogue / Gambit romance? Don't they know bad writing when they see it?
Clarence: Not always ... and you weren't there to help them realize there are better ways to write comics than teen drama.
Skippy: And now Gerry Conway's started a blog, writing "The Firestorm Family" with the adventures of Cousin Firestorm, Second Cousin Firestorm, Bastard Firestorm, William the Firestorm, and an entire litter of Firestorm Puppies! Who thought this was a good idea?
Clarence: Apparently Gerry Conway did ... and you weren't there to remind him not to abuse the Dynastic Centerpiece model. Do you see all the lives you have touched without even knowing it?
Skippy: But wait ... please tell me Vibe is okay. Please, show me Vibe!
Clarence: I'll show you, but brace yourself ...
[scene: DC Comics offices. Marv Wolfman is being hired to write "Vibe, Last Warrior of Atlantis".]
Skippy: Please, no more! I want to blog! I want to blog! I want to bloooggggg! ...
But saying, essentially, "I never expected to be criticized on the INTERNET," comes off as a little naive. You seem to be suggesting that it is out of your hands whether you continue, that it's up to whether negative jerks continue to be themselves. That reminds me...
Scipio's familiar with criticism, but rarely has it seeped into his later, completely unrelated posts. In this case, fallout from the recent "feminism" post appeared in a post joking about Aquaman and Supergirl, of all things.
Oh, I forgot to mention how awesome it is when comic creators post on the Absorbascon. Tad Williams, John Byrne, Grant Morrison, Kurt Busiek... who knows who'll turn up next? :D
Not saying he's the only funny one, of course, Matthew...
Don't let the terrorists win!
Looking forward to your triumphant return.
Not saying he's the only funny one, of course, Matthew...
No, I understand that. And I can see how we can find a more accurate word than 'witty' to describe, say, Dave Campbell and Chris Sims. But I think Mike Sterling can be witty. I think it would be very difficult to express oneself in the manner of an Amy Reads or Bully or, for that matter, yourself, (or, I harbour a suspicion, Ami Angelwings) without a good amount of wit. And that's just off the top of my head.
Anyway. I think it's possible that the subject of this comment thread cannot take the weight of the comments. We don't need to feel sorry for Scipio; he's fine. He writes a blog; it's good; he gets into some arguments; he's taking a break; we'll catch him on the flip side. No big thing.
It never ceases to amaze me how much people will complain about things they don't have to pay for, nor are they forced to experience, in a manner that should be reserved for human rights abuses. ah well.
This is a fun blog and i hope it returns.
95 comments at this point. I got bored around twenty, but they were overwhelmingly positive. I'm jumping on that bandwagon.
I've only commented on time when I wasn't making really inappropriate hiakus, and that was about clix, but I always enjoyed this blog even if I didn't necessarily agree...which was alarmingly infrequent.
Eff those anonymous bastards, come back soon Scip.
He'll be back.
Trust me.
He has too much he wants to say and my comic book store isn't large enough for him to do it in.
Just back off for a while, OK?
Be a hero.
Already missing the blog.
Hoping you'll come back.
---Law Dog
Wow. Count me in as one wishing for your extra-special over-sized foil-covered new #1 relaunch in a month. I owe you a great debt for inspiring me to get down with this whole blogging thing, and hope all turns out well.
Are you trying to freak me out? Come back! I just "linked" to you on my "blog" the other day and now this. Is it my fault? It's my fault, isn't it? Aaaahhh!
Dood, I know you worked really hard on this post, but the idea of you going away forever -- that's not funny.
Your writing is missed. Come back soon!
Scipio: Days will be duller without your Wildean wit and heightened sense of absurdity.
I hope your break helps to rejuvenate you and a month from now we will find you back and even better.
i blame jack pendarvis.
We love you.
Enjoy your time off.
But please come back.
(Oh how I wish this were a haiku.)
I now yield the keyboard to my Bizarro counter part..
Me am glad that Absorbascon go away. Scipio am doofus. All his ideas - from Dynastic Centerpiece to Controversies of Character - am idiotic. Absorbascon rock in quiet. It am me last favorite blog ever. Me hope Scipio go away late. Him am dumber than Lois #1!
P.S. Big Bizarro Monkey Comics am worst comic book store on Bizzaro-World.
Please come back to us Scipio. To quote Fozzie Bear: "We don't want the bad guys to win!"
Marionette said...
Yeah, it's not entirely your fault but sorry I don't think I can live in a world where someone as abusive as cipio is called a hero.
Get over it. PLEEEEEEEASE get over it.
Just turn off comments for a month. That way the fatbeards and catpiss men get easily distracted and bored and wander away to lick the basement wall or something.
Don't let the bastards win, man.
"fatbeards and catpiss men"?
I'm glad those terms weren't linked to specific URLs. I don't want to know.
Having only recently discovered the Absorbacon, I've found it to be one of the most enjoyable comic based blogs around and have read the entire archive in the space of weeks.
I hope you do decide to keep it going.
Yeah, it's not entirely your fault but sorry I don't think I can live in a world where someone as abusive as cipio is called a hero.
You don't have to. Guns are easily attainable in the States, even with the waiting period. Here's hoping you don't miss at point blank range. :)
I think that there is already a consensus here, isn't it? Don't listen to those who doesn't have a quarter of your intelligence and wit and like to be whiny babies.
Because, frankly, if someone was offended by your Blackfire post, then it's amazing they are able to breathe with such an enormous stick up their asses. And if someone thinks you're too negative, well, that just stupid. Take a look at any comic book message board and most blogs and you'll see really negativity.
All I see here is fun. And love of comics.
Don't let them stop the fun. I hope this is more like a vacation and you'll come back rested.
Take care, Scip.
--- H
I just wanted to say that I ran a blog for Variety for a couple of years and you've got to have a thick skin to deal with comments.
People threatened me, I had my picture posted on some conservative websites and my weak chin was mocked relentlessly, someone volunteered to kill my mother (no thanks: got that one covered) and so on. I quickly realized that I had to take this with a grain of salt. People had no idea how they were coming across and if you just imagine that you're not only blogging but also a sort of internet Emily Post you'll feel a lot better.
Often when I contacted an angry poster privately I had to endure a few rounds of insults before my constant smile and the sunshine in my voice made them re-evaluate their actions. And there was even the occasional success story when someone who was roundly abusive would see the error of their ways and realize they'd gotten carried away.
I really enjoy this blog and it's too bad if you let negative comments keep you from continuing. It can be stressful, but just realize that the internet is mostly imaginary and that all these people are really elves that live in your brain. You need to confront them with kindness, bake them cookies, thank them for \sharing, and move on.
Because otherwise...MADNESS!!!!
You don't have to. Guns are easily attainable in the States, even with the waiting period. Here's hoping you don't miss at point blank range. :)
And with comments like that, and leaving up comments like that, you forfeit any right to complain that there aren't enough women in the comics blogosphere.
Shame on this. What you choose to do with your own blog is your own choice. I like(d) your blog but frankly, this smacks of "You're not playing the way I want to so I'm taking my ball home." Which is very childish and unprofessional and not the attitude of a blogger I want to read.
That you re-used one of Marionette's ideas is excuseable. It happens. What is not inexcusable not is that you then verbally abused her over it and lied about being on her site during the time she posted her original idea. She is justifiably angry and allowed to express her ideas, and others are allowed to argue back against her. But when a blog permits and allows suggestions that a person commit suicide is when I walk away.
Have fun regaining your audience with the ultra-thin skin you have.
This is about the Killer Moth e-mail so long ago, isn't it?
That you re-used one of Marionette's ideas is excuseable. It happens. What is not inexcusable not is that you then verbally abused her over it and lied about being on her site during the time she posted her original idea. She is justifiably angry and allowed to express her ideas, and others are allowed to argue back against her. But when a blog permits and allows suggestions that a person commit suicide is when I walk away.
No, she isn't. She's being a petty-minded bitch. Who cares who had what idea. there are no orignal ideas in blogging. She let her ego take over and started this whole mess. Maybe instead of looking for "props" on what she posts, she should simply worry about keeping regular posting going on her's and not tell someone else they need to "credit her" for something they do that is similiar or even the same.
As for my comment, hey, she's the one saying you doesn't think she can live in "this" world. If she didn't mean it, she shouldn't have said it. But, just like with the other issue, she doesn't seem to know when to keep her damn mouth shut. If she doesn't like what I said, then too bad for her (and YOU). Maybe next time she'll watch what she says and where. I highly doubt it, though, as her type never learns the lesson and is more interested in playing "got you last" games. And there's NOTHING more "childish and unprofessional" of a blogger than THAT.
So now we have to look at Vibe's butt for a month?
Seriously,what the person said was fucked up but no where in the blogosphere have I ever heard Scip openly lament the lack of women bloggers.
If anything, I've only heard the him lament the lack of well-written blogs and thoughtful commenters.
Was what I said "fucked up?" Eh, maybe, but no more so than anything she said. And, as far as I'm concerned, it's a response she EARNED.
Of course, as her "defender" shows so well, the FACTS of who said what when or how is really of little importance to them. And it also shows exactly what the problem is: commenters who don't want to take resonsibility for what they say and how they act on another person's blog.
Me, I take full responsibility for what I said. Scipio isn't the one who said it or told me to say it. For anyone to lay accusation at his feet are simple-minded clowns, who are simply out to stir the pot.
I've seen Scipio comment of wishing for more well-written blogs and thoughtful commenters. Sadly, I doubt he'll get his wish. There's just way too maybe bloggers and commentators who get a sick pleasure out of spewing their bile on people they don't agree with (but it is funny to note how they never seem to like the taste when it's done to them, as my original comment so perfectly makes them display).
I know Scipio says he still has a lot to say and that there are plenty of folks who'd miss his posting here. But maybe he's right to walk away. Comic blogging has been completely corrupted by peons who think they are so superior to others morally, ethically and intellectually, that I doubt it could ever be clensed. The damage has probably become irrevocable. Perhaps it is better to walk away and remember the good times. I certainly won't fault him, if that's the ultimate choice he makes.
Long time lurker, first time poster. Sorry if lurkers bug you, I just never had anything entertaining to say. Enjoy your time off. I like reading your blog but if you're not enjoying it anymore, forget it. Life's too short to put so much work into entertaining unappreciative jerks.
Please come back Scippy! This kind of thing happens to everyone in every walk of life. As you can see, your positive feedback far outweighs your negative, so just keep on keeping on and remeber that most of u like you. I don't know what all this "you copied my blog" BS is, but trust me, your readers don't care and neither should you. Just give us the funny! Please! I miss it!
Eh meng, chu need to get back here quick. Who else will keep my spirit alive?
I'm going to miss your daily posts, although this is my first comment on any of them. While I don't always agree with your viewpoints, usually I can find a laugh. Come back soon.
Scipio, I may never have commented before -- or perhaps just not enough -- but yours is a blog I read and enjoy every day. I hope I'll get to again, but, if the other anonymous jerks out there have ruined it for all of us, I hope we'll always have the archives.
-- Jack of Spades, who is anonymous only because he hates Blogger.
129 comments?! That's crazy. But so is life without the Absorbascon, because we need your insights. And to everyone out there, Silver Age Aqualad was a defeatist making him the perfect complement to a nihilist like Silver Age Supergirl. It's funny, and Scip has all sorts of funny and/or insightful posts in him. So Scip, come back.
Yes, Scipio - come back and dance behind your critics' backs while teasing them!
And do it while wearing a cutoff and genie pants!
You know you want to.
Whoops ... checked back and it looks like things have really gone nuts here.
Like it or not Scipio, you get more commenters by announcing your departure than most bloggers get in an entire year.
Clearly, there's an audience that finds your work amusing and provocative.
If you do walk away from the Absorbascon - an act you have every right to do, since blogging must first and foremost be personally fulfilling - at least you know your efforts have truly engaged people.
As we said about 300 comments ago, hope you enjoy your break and come back ready to dish on Hercules!
[in the voice of Mama Klump]
Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!
[/end Klump (sorry aboot that -- guessing that too many Norbit commercials may mess with yer head...)]
Seriously though, dude, come back -- my co-workers haven't heard me giggle uncontrollably fer quite a while now, and they may eventually get worried enuff to *finally* decide to send fer some psychiatric professionals in those white coats sooner rather than later...
Favorite recent comic book quotes was recently upgraded!
the hearld of a return?
Add one to the list of people checking back often. Hope you're getting your posts ready in the meantime.
This is Sub-commander Mallet, recording the logs for the Good Time-Ship Lollipop. After stealing a Time Bubble from Blockade Boy and loading it up with supplies we've begun searching the Time Stream for Scipio. My crew is small, four members including myself, Thomas, Carol, and Joe. We are the bravest of the brave, and we will find him.
I have two arguments for your return:
AH Scip, please come back!
As the 138 comments you've gotten to this post (so far) should prove, there are stacks of people who think your blog is awesome and that we love reading what you have to say!
Just remember the old customer service axiom....people are always more likely to complain about something they don't like than to acknowledge something they do. I don't know if you can see how many hits the absorbascon gets, but I would bet it's a lot and I would bet that even the people who snipe at you enjoy reading what you write still, otherwise they wouldn't keep coming back for more...
This is a bummer, man... like a ceiling tile to the head.
Heya I made a couple comments in the past and while I don't comment and peruse this fine blog like I used to (I still check it out from time to time) I think it would be a damn shame if you leave the blogosphere because of a few rotten apples who don't appreciate the finer things.
Hopefully you come back with the same amount of fun, witty observations and interesting thought provoking articles.
Again, I hope that this is merely a bump in the road for you and that when you return your love for the comics and your faithful readers will be just as great as when you left us.
Scipio -- This is OBSIDIAN -- you know -- Todd.
I order you to disable anonymous posting.
I'm sure you will obey...
Word Verification: wwjaao
what would .....
What's that, Todd?
You want me to use "comment moderation"?
Yes, Todd. Yes, I will use "comment moderation."
Scipio! You're alive!
*does the Dance of Joy*
Another reader here. Still checking in, hoping the relentless parade of faithful readers will wear you down and get you back to posting again.
PS Is your custom Vibe your own or is it a commissioned piece? I am working on the detroit league in Marvel Legends scale.
Scipio, please return if and when you feel like it. This blog has been entertaining and smart and has made me appreciate Will Pfeiffer's Catwoman and Adam Beechen's Robin. (By the way I am sure you'd love Spider-Man loves Mary Jane, if you don't already) The posts you had planned for the future seem really interesting too. And for what little it's worth, I am much less of a bigot now (yeah, stupid me...) than when I started reading this blog.
I think the verdict's unanimous - take some time away, and come back refreshed.
As someone who occasionally reads, if I don't like what you post, I simply say, "Ok, I'll be back later." You can't hit it out of the ballpark every time.
But we need you, if only to remind us not to take ourselves too seriously.
(And by "us", I mean "me")
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